Hi Perry,
Have you recently (4000 hours) restored this volume or migrated the primary volume to a new volume? Then you could use "snapvault start -r -S <primary> <secondary> " from your Vault-Filer.
I had to do this 2 weeks ago:
vault> snapvault start -r -S sto001:/vol/san_esxi_boot_01/esxsrv002 /vol/sv_esxi_boot/esxsrv002
The resync base snapshot will be: vault(0151755095)_sv_esxi_boot-base.22
Resync may alter the data in this qtree.
Are you sure you want to resync the qtree? y
Tue Mar 13 12:53:57 CET [replication.dst.resynTue Marc.success:notice]: SnapVault resync of /vol/sv_esxi_boot/esxsrv002 to sto001:/vol/san_esxi_boot_01/esxsrv002 was successful.
13 12:53:57 CET [replication.dst.resync.success:notice]: SnapVault resync of /vol/sv_esxi_boot/esxsrv002 to sto001:/vol/san_esxi_boot_01/esxsrv002 was successful.
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.