Our NetApp FAS2050 Filer running OnTAP Version 7.3.2P4 has the following entry in FilerView/SnapMirror/Manage:
Source: Filer1:dr_luns
Destination: Filer1:SM_dr_luns
Status: idle
State: source
Lag: 4765:27:46
The Destination volume 'SM_dr_luns' is not listed in FilerView/Volumes/Manage or in a command line session therefore
we are unable to quiesce, or break, the SnapMirror relationship as these commands return error message 'destination is
offline, is restricted, or does not exist'
We inherited this configuration from an IT employee who is no longer with our company.and have no idea why this SnapMirror
was originally configured or how the Destination volume could have been deleted without the SnapMirror relationship being removed.
Is there any way of cleaning up this mess ?