ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi All
Firstly, sorry if this is the wrong area for this question/discussion, I am happy to move it to a more appropriate area.
We have recently replaced our Windows 2008 R2 Management Server with a Windows 2012 Server. This server is used by support staff as a central place to run various management consoles, administer various services and to administer shares and file permissions etc.
It is often used to manage share permissions and local group membership on many of our Netapp vFilers, via "Computer Management". We have now discovered that trying to manage vFiler local groups from Computer Management on Server 2012, returns the error:
"The following error occurred while attemptiong to read group properties: The tag is invalid."
We have also found that trying to enumerate effective permissions from a UNC path to a folder in a Share on a vFiler (eg. \\vfiler01\someshare\somefolder) returns the error:
"Code: 0x80070057 The parameter is incorrect."
Neither of the above problems occur when using Server 2003 or 2008.
Is anyone aware of a fix for these issues, or of a Netapp document that outlines any known combatibility issues with Windows Server 2012?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Having the same issue.
What versions are you on? I just upgraded 8.1.3 to 8.1.4 hoping it would fix this. No dice.
Having the same problem with 8.2P5 (W2K12 OR W2K12R2)
Has anyone opened a ticket yet?
Same issue here - FAS2240-2 on 8.1.4 7m
Go into your filer(s), run: options cifs.tcp_window_size
If it is 17520 change it to 64240: options cifs.tcp_window_size 64240
Restart CIFS on your filer(s)
Try to recreate error
Having the same problem here with Windows 8 and 8.1. I opened a case with support. I'll post back when we figure it out.
Also, the above changes to the options cifs.tcp_window_size did not fix the problem.
Good luck with support. I reported this 1 year ago and sent a considerable amount of time troubleshooting with support. they even logged a bug. http://support.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=738251
They haven't fixed it though. I guess if its not been fixed in a year they just don't care. Now we are almost completely moved over to Server 2012 and Windows 8 we are considering dropping NetApp as our main file server platform as its lagging horribly behind.
Well, after three months, I didn't get much further. I gave packet traces and logs but did not get a solution. Support logged a new bug 839080 and they are currently calling it an unsupported feature that they expect to fix in a future release.
I guess for now I'll just have to do it from a 2008 server.
actually we have the same issue!
After searching the support site i found that the problem should be fixed with ONTAP 8.2.3 (known Bug with ID 738251)
best regards,