I have two volumes that shows up as LUNs in provisioning manager.
It was initially imported from a QSM relationship.
The shares/qtree in the volumes shows the right information. But when I mark the volume and check 'Current space breakout' it tells me 'LUN used space' and so on?
How is this possible?
The other shares and volumes that I have provisioned directly from Provisioning Managern shows up correct.
This volume was created with a SnapMirror relationship and then imported to Provisioning/Protection Manager,.
And this volume is create using Provisioning Manager i Management Console
When checking on the controller both volumes have.:
raid_dp, flex, create_ucode=on, sis, convert_ucode=on & guarantee=file
And both have snap reserve set to 20%
So why does the imported show up as a LUN?