ONTAP Discussions

What can be the maximum size of an aggregate in netapp 7 mode


Hi All,


I am planning to extend the aggregate NAN01 39 TB in SIze and its 92% utilized, below is the details for the detials.

Kindly suggest if its feasible.


Aggregate                total       used      avail capacity
NAN01                     39TB       36TB     3063GB      92%


netappXX> version
NetApp Release 8.0.4 7-Mode: Wed Sep  5 10:55:50 PDT 2012


Aggregate NAN01 (online, raid_dp) (block checksums)
  Plex /NAN01/plex0 (online, normal, active)
    RAID group /NAN01/plex0/rg0 (normal)

      RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
      --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
      dparity   3b.01.0         3b    1   0   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      parity    0a.00.3         0a    0   3   SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.1         3b    1   1   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.4         0a    0   4   SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.2         3b    1   2   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.5         0a    0   5   SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.3         3b    1   3   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.6         0a    0   6   SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.4         3b    1   4   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.7         0a    0   7   SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.5         3b    1   5   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.8         0a    0   8   SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.6         3b    1   6   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.9         0a    0   9   SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816

    RAID group /NAN01/plex0/rg1 (normal)

      RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
      --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
      dparity   3b.01.7         3b    1   7   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      parity    0a.00.10        0a    0   10  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.8         3b    1   8   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.11        0a    0   11  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.9         3b    1   9   SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.12        0a    0   12  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.10        3b    1   10  SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.13        0a    0   13  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.11        3b    1   11  SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.14        0a    0   14  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.12        3b    1   12  SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.15        0a    0   15  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.13        3b    1   13  SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.16        0a    0   16  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.14        3b    1   14  SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      0a.00.17        0a    0   17  SA:A   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
      data      3b.01.15        3b    1   15  SA:B   -  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816



Rakesh -


It depends on controller model.


See Hardware Universe http://hwu.netapp.com


For 64 bit aggrs in 8.2 7-mode the limit is 120T on 2XXX systems, 240T on 3250 3260 and 6040, 324 on other ctrlrs, and 400T on 8060 and 8080s.


I hope this response has been helpful to you.


At your service,


Eugene E. Kashpureff, Sr.
Independent NetApp Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff
Senior NetApp Instructor, FastLane US http://www.fastlaneus.com/
(P.S. I appreciate 'kudos' on any helpful posts.)

View solution in original post



Rakesh -


It depends on controller model.


See Hardware Universe http://hwu.netapp.com


For 64 bit aggrs in 8.2 7-mode the limit is 120T on 2XXX systems, 240T on 3250 3260 and 6040, 324 on other ctrlrs, and 400T on 8060 and 8080s.


I hope this response has been helpful to you.


At your service,


Eugene E. Kashpureff, Sr.
Independent NetApp Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff
Senior NetApp Instructor, FastLane US http://www.fastlaneus.com/
(P.S. I appreciate 'kudos' on any helpful posts.)


Thanks Eugene ,


Thanks for your help.


Just to clarify - FAS8060 and FAS8080 max aggr size is 400TB - not 40TB Robot Happy
