ONTAP Discussions

What is the meaning of "FS Size Fixed?"


When checking a Volume and trying to resize it I got a message that I cant expand it because of FS Size Fixed?, this is a switch on the volume properties that can be on or off, wile on it is not possible to change the size. My question is, If i´m turn the switch off, will this impact on the stored data? Do I have reisk of loosing something, or this operation had some kind of outage or visibility to the users?

Sorry if this is a silly question hope to get some help!!

Data ONTAP Release 7.2.3

Volume properties:

Name:         printcluster_shared                   
Type:         Flexible                       Root Volume?         -
FlexClone ?         -                        Containing Aggregate:         aggr1
Status:         online,raid_dp                   
Used Capacity:         75.2 GB        Space Guarantee         volume
% Used:         98%                       Language:         en_US
Total Capacity:         76.5 GB        Total Size:         125 GB
Number of Files:         127             Max Directory Size:         61.4 MB
Max Files:         3.11 m                   
SNAP Mirror?         -                     SNAP Directory?         yes
SNAP?         yes                          Resync SNAP Time:         60
SVO Enable?         -                     SVO Checksum?         -
Allow SVO RMAN?         -             SVO Reject Errors?         -
Create Unicode?         yes             Convert Unicode?        yes
Minimal Read Ahead?         -          NV Fail?         -
Fractional Reserve :         80          Extent?         -
FS Size Fixed?         yes              Update Access time?         yes
I2P?         yes                              Ignore Inconsistent??         -




When checking a Volume and trying to resize it I got a message that I cant expand it because of FS Size Fixed?, this is a switch on the volume properties that can be on or off, wile on it is not possible to change the size. My question is, If i´m turn the switch off, will this impact on the stored data? Do I have reisk of loosing something, or this operation had some kind of outage or visibility to the users?

The fs_fixed_size was turned on when the volume became the destination of a volume snapmirror relationship. Best practice is to turn if off immediately after breaking the snapmirror relationship and you don't intend to resume the snapmirror relationship in the future.

But you can still turn it off later without any impact on the data and accessibility.


You can check the  Kb https://now.netapp.com/Knowledgebase/solutionarea.asp?id=kb13410 this should give you the clear picture.

It is a best practice to re-enable the "fs_size_fixed" option if the snapmirror is to be resynchronized.




Excellent KB...thanks for the link.

I remember a good discussion on this from the ANCDA class but that lays it out very nicely.
