ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
One of our Partners is asking the following question. Can you help?
Can you advise if there are Netapp approved ‘Witness Server’ solutions available for Metrocluster?
I’ve been asked to look at fully automating the force takeover aspects of our implementation at a customer site.
Solved! See The Solution
Hi Elias,
You can find the 'proper' answer in Niels's comment below this post:
Supported TieBreakers are
a) ApplianceWatch 2.1 plug-in for Microsoft SCOM
b) PVR to get the RRE-developed TieBreaker for Operations Manager
Hi Elias,
You can find the 'proper' answer in Niels's comment below this post:
Supported TieBreakers are
a) ApplianceWatch 2.1 plug-in for Microsoft SCOM
b) PVR to get the RRE-developed TieBreaker for Operations Manager
I keep getting an error when I try to access this document, even if I am logged in correctly.
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I'd be quite interested in the discussion points.
It's within Partner & Field Community - maybe that's why you are getting an error?
The doc itself (TR-3660) describes a method which is no longer supported, whilst the comment I quoted above lists both supported ways.
That's pretty much all what is there.
Ok, I have no partner access, so that is very probable explanation. The error message is unfortunately not informative enough to conclude that there are insufficient privileges to login to a "Netapp internal community". I've had customers that wanted to do this in the past and I was usually happy to have dissuaded them.