I'm adding to an existing installation and I'd appreciate a sanity check of what I'm planning to do...
The system is a HA pair of 3140's running 8.0.2p1 with SATA DS4243 shelves. I'm adding 3x DS2246s (on new loops) which are filled with 450GB SAS drives, i.e. 72 drives total. The space is to be used for VMware virtual machines that are stressing the existing SATA disks.
I'm thinking that the drives in each new shelf should be allocated as: 1 spare for filer A, 1 spare for filer B, 11 disks to create an aggregate for filer A, 11 disks to create an aggregate for filer B.
i.e. 6 spares total (reasoning: >2 per filer for HA; layout means shelf failure still leaves 2 per filer)
6 new aggregates (3 per filer) - each entirely contained within a shelf (reasoning: small number of shelves means protecting against shelf failure is impossible with reasonably-sized aggregates, so go for "damage limitation")
Splitting each shelf between the two filers allows for sharing the storage/load equally between the two filers despite the odd number of shelves.
Is this sane? Is there a better way? (e.g. create a single 11+11+11 aggregate on each filer) Do I need to worry about raid group sizes?
Thanks for any advice or suggestions!