ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hi All
I have two FAS3240 controllers on on tap mode 8.1.1 7-Mode with 2 x shelves of 600GB SAS disks.
In this situvation ONTAP put the affected RAID group into degraded mode and the storage system automatically shut down.
Is there a way to get a one unit back & what commands do I have to run when I connect through putty.
Please assist me in order to resolve this issue
Many thanks
You need to identify the failed drives and replace them immediately. Refer KB 2011540 AutoSupport message: SHTPEN:System Notification from Filer1 (SHUTDOWN PENDING (degraded mode)) CRITICAL
Thanks for the reply Sahana!
At current situvation I can not log in to both controllers.
If both controllers have been halted you can power everything down.
When you're ready to start it back up, turn all the shelves on, wait until all shelves boot up (wait about 2 minutes) then turn on the controllers.
You MUST use your serial cable, SP, BMC, or RLM in order to boot it back up, you do this by typing "boot_ontap" on each controller.
As i mentioned earlier,I have two controllers. Can I use good disks from shelf attached to controller 1 to replace for broken disks attached to controller 2? if so How to identify the RAID group attached to controller 1 ?
No, you cannot move the disks from the other controller. You need to run disk show and aggr show to know the disk ownership.
I don't have spare diks on both controllers.The reason I was planing to use disks from one controller to another is to get one filer up and running to migrate data to a different environment in on vcenter. What is your recommendation for this?
Thanks again!
The filer will run into issues using the disk from other controller. You would need to install a spare disk to be able to get the reconstruction started. Only then you would be able to access the data.