ONTAP Discussions

moving a vfiler from one AGG to another AGG on the same box



This is my scenario

I have a vfiler that sits on a volume on AGG1. I need to move this volume to a different agg called AGG2.

How can I change the root of the vfiler to point to the new volume on AGG2 without recreating the vfiler?

I spent a few hours playing with no avail and even contacted support, but still have no resolution.

Can anyone help please?




I recently ran into this same problem. This KB helped.


Basically if you want to move from 1 aggr to another on the same host, the tricky part is that you cannot have the same volume name on the same controller. So you have to play around with renaming the volumes at the right time during the migration. Hope this helps.

If you figure out how to do this for the root vol and the default vfiler0, let me know!


The KB gives a good example of what to do (mirror, rename old to new, new to old) and you have to destroy and recreate the vfiler.  There is no other way intra-filer to do this.  The KB gives a qtree snapmirror (QSM) example but in most cases you'll use volume snapmirror (VSM) since it is a best practice to assign a full volume to a vfiler instead of individual qtrees. 

Here is another workaround... vfiler migrate or vfiler data motion the entire vfiler from this controller to another controller, then vfiler migrate or vfiler data motion it back.  When you migrate back, create the volumes in any aggrs you want.  Brute force but prevents you from having to destroy and recreate the vfiler...but does require you migrate the vfiler and all volumes out and back...but we have done this for similar reasons and it works well.
