ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
We have an issue where we are finding wrong value in the route active-entry.
We have checked our static route configuration there is no such value defined.
How could we remove the stale or wrong value in the network route active-entry show ?
We would not find any command that able to do that?
We are trying to avoid any restart of the controller.
In linux we could use command like ip route flush cache
What is the equivalent method for NetApp Ontap 9.9.1?
What’s the output of
route show
network interface show
maybe you have multiple routes? Maybe metrics are incorrect…
Sorry we could not list our IPs to the public forum.
We have check, there is no multiple routes and our metric is all standard 20.
However route active-entry show, there are old records which incorrect and do not appear in the route show.
The situation how do we clear records in the route active-entry show ??
If you tab complete there should be a route delete command. However if you are not comfortable we would recommend using a channel of support where you can give that information away more freely, such as opening a case.
You can always mask any ip addresses. Just use xxx.xxx for the first two octets. Something may be off. Wouldn’t be the first time
We have turn off the dynamic routing as per NetApp support instruction. Now it is working.