ONTAP Discussions

problem in my Netapp FAS 2040 "Insufficient space on volume vol0


On my Netapp stoarge Netapp FAS 2040 on Filler -1 its giving

Insufficient space on volume vol0 to perform operation. 8.00KB was requested but only 1.00KB was available."

some HDD showing failed we have replaced but not able to rebuild for the same  one of Netapp  engineer suggest to clear the space from Vol0 first as i am not much familiar with netapp please help me to resolve the issue .


below the error

filer1> disk assign all
disk assign: Could not find any unowned disks to assign.
filer1> Tue Oct 23 19:43:45 GMT [filer1:wafl.vol.full:notice]: Insufficient space on volume vol0 to perform operation. 8.00KB was requested but only 1.00KB was available.

filer1> Tue Oct 23 19:47:18 GMT [filer1:disk.healthTrigger:warning]: Disk 0c.00.0 received NHT health trigger (0x1 0xb 0x5d 0x32)
Tue Oct 23 19:53:51 GMT [filer1:wafl.vol.full:notice]: Insufficient space on volume vol0 to perform operation. 4.00KB was requested but only 1.00KB was available.
Tue Oct 23 20:00:00 GMT [filer1:kern.uptime.filer:info]:   8:00pm up  1:57 0 NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops
Tue Oct 23 20:00:00 GMT [filer1:monitor.shutdown.brokenDisk.pending:warning]: data disk in RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0 is broken. Halting system in 23 hours.
Tue Oct 23 20:03:46 GMT [filer1:wafl.snap.create.skip.reason:notice]: vol0: skipping creation of hourly.0 snapshot (Snapshot operation failed: No space left on device.)
Tue Oct 23 20:03:57 GMT [filer1:wafl.vol.full:notice]: Insufficient space on volume vol0 to perform operation. 8.00KB was requested but only 1.00KB was available.
Tue Oct 23 20:04:46 GMT [filer1:reg.file.createFail:warning]: registry: Cannot create /etc/registry.1 file. No space left on device.
option stats.archive.enable: unable to start archiver.
option sis.max_vfiler_active_ops: Value must be between 1 and 5.
Tue Oct 23 20:04:46 GMT [filer1: registry_control:warning]: registry: Unexpected error in rollback in regx_commit - Error: Registry key does not exist (name=options.cifs.weekly_W2K_password_change) Error: Registry key does not exist (name=options.coredump.metadata_only) Error: Registry key does not exist (name=options.licensed_feature.v-series.enable) Error: Registry k
Unable to open /etc/configs/tmp.1906714686.new file in write mode: (No space left on device).
Tue Oct 23 20:04:46 GMT [filer1: registry_control:error]: registry_config_audit: Error occurred while taking the backup of the filer's current configuration: (Input/output error).
Tue Oct 23 20:04:46 GMT [filer1:perf.archive.file.close.fail:warning]: Performance archiver failed to close file: /etc/log/stats/archive/.preset/default. (10235)
Tue Oct 23 20:04:46 GMT [filer1:perf.archive.preset.load.fail:warning]: Performance archiver failed to load preset level 'default'. (10294)
Tue Oct 23 20:04:46 GMT [filer1:perf.archive.start.fail:warning]: Performance archiver failed to start: unable to load preset.
Tue Oct 23 20:04:46 GMT [filer1:reg.transaction.commitFail:warning]: registry: Cannot commit transaction in 'Periodic config update'. Error: Registry persistence error (name=file) (value=/etc/registry)
Tue Oct 23 20:14:03 GMT [filer1:wafl.vol.full:notice]: Insufficient space on volume vol0 to perform operation. 4.00KB was requested but only 1.00KB was available.



please check your Disk Qualification Package. When did you have make an update from the Disk Qualiofication Package?




I hope the disck are now recognized.







we have found 3 disk having issue out of 3  1 is fully faield ( replaced ) and rest 2 are predective failure ,as per engineer for rebuilding replced disk we need to clear logs from  Volo folder but i cant not the process to clear the logs and what are the logs that need to clear please suggest i am not familiar with netapp storage .
