ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm trying to replicate a windows server to a netapp filer using ossv client
If y install the client in a Windows 2008 R2 everything its OK, it works, but when i try to replicate a windows server 2012 R2 i receive this error in the last step (update)
ESMADZAA00112> snapvault update ESMADZAA00112:/vol/vol_DFS_Backup/qtree_vol_ESAGPWSA10010
Thu Feb 25 13:36:58 CET [ESMADZAA00112:replication.dst.err:error]: SnapVault: destination transfer from ESAGPWSA10010:e:\data to /vol/vol_DFS_Backup/qtree_vol_ESAGPWSA10010 : request denied by source filer; check access permissions on source.
Transfer not initially successful, retrying.
Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.
I have checked the QSM Access List like a million of times and the destination filer name is included as in the windows 2008 configuration....
I have checked the snapvault.cnf file and is configured as the windows 2008 where it works fine...
[QSM:Access List]
Label=QSM Access List
Label Id=108000149
in windows application Log i receive this error
e:\data ESMADZAA00112:/vol/vol_DFS_Backup/qtree_vol_ESAGPWSA10010 Access Denied: Secondary 'ESMADZAA00112' is not on primary access list
Do anyone knows if there is any bug whith the 3.0.1 ossv client and windows 2012 R2 related to the primary access list ?
Solved! See The Solution
Set the snapvault.access host option in the primary and secondary filers.
The issue is probably caused due to misconfiguration in the name resolution and (or) the SnapVault traffic using the wrong interface.
Verify the name resolution (/etc/hosts and/or DNS).
Verify ifconfig -a if the primary and secondary filers have multiple network interfaces (along with alias IPs).
A simple test to confirm this is to use the IPs in the snapvault.access host option. Also with the route -s command, trace the interface/IP used by SnapVault
Set the snapvault.access host option in the primary and secondary filers.
The issue is probably caused due to misconfiguration in the name resolution and (or) the SnapVault traffic using the wrong interface.
Verify the name resolution (/etc/hosts and/or DNS).
Verify ifconfig -a if the primary and secondary filers have multiple network interfaces (along with alias IPs).
A simple test to confirm this is to use the IPs in the snapvault.access host option. Also with the route -s command, trace the interface/IP used by SnapVault
Thank you hariprak
The issue was related to the name resolution.
Regards !!
Snapvault stopped suddenly
Snapvaulted 518:33:45 Idle
When I tried to update the snapvault , Got the below error
request denied by source filer; check access permissions on source.
Transfer not initially successful, retrying.
Anyone please help me on this!!!