ONTAP Discussions

snapmirror quiesce


I have canceled a snapmirror connection on the source side, and have startet the quiesce on the destination side,

however, since two days, he is still on the quiesce process, and on the source site my snapmiror grows up, and I do not know what to do

I am grateful for any help.



Quiesce will work once the mirror is idle and won't allow the next updates to run until a resume. For an existing mirror that is running you need to snapmirror abort.


Hi Scott

I have allready abordet the snapmirror on the source side, and you can see that the staus is already on Idle,

I cannot make anything on the destination side, because he is still working with the quiesce, is there is not

any log file for the quiesce process where I can see exactly what he does?

this is my Ontap Version on all my filer NetApp Release 8.1 7-Mode: Thu Mar 29 13:56:17 PDT 2012

Source                         Destination                    State      Lag    Status
SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2       SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2       Source     233:13:09 Idle
SANNORDNA01:ESX_OS2         SANNORDNA02:ESX_OS2         Source     17:13:07   Idle


Try snapmirror resume on the target then snapmirror abort.. what does the target show for snapmirror status?  There is a snapmirror log in /etc and you can also "snapmirror status -l"


Hi Scott

on the targete side I can made nothing with putty, because the quiesce process is still working, after the login I get the following picture

login as: root

root@SANNORDNA02's password:


I can perform with the system Mangager 2.1 on the target side a snapmirror abort and resume, but I see that this would also stop my

quiesce process, I do not know what I should to do

This is my Snapmirror logfile:

Line 7892: dst Tue Jul 10 21:25:51 CES SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2 SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2 Abort (replication transfer failed to complete)

Line 7892: dst Tue Jul 10 21:25:51 CES SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2 SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2 Abort (replication transfer failed to complete)

Line 7893: dst Tue Jul 10 21:26:00 CES SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2 SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2 Request (Scheduled)

Line 7893: dst Tue Jul 10 21:26:00 CES SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2 SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2 Request (Scheduled)

Line 7894: dst Tue Jul 10 21:26:03 CES SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2 SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2 Restart (@ 294611120 KB)

Line 7894: dst Tue Jul 10 21:26:03 CES SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2 SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2 Restart (@ 294611120 KB)

Line 9339: cmd Wed Jul 11 10:09:11 CES - SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2 Quiesce_start


Without seeing the console it is hard to do on the target... do you have an SP or RLM or BMC connected to get to the console? I would use System Manager to resume and abort as well and see if that frees up the console.  It is a good time to open a case too and get some logs to NetApp support... you could also do a takeover/giveback to free up the controller if you can handle an ndu event.


Hi Scott

after a long wait I have abordet the quiesce process on the destination side, after about 10 minutes, I have re-enable again the snapmirror on both sides,

and now replicated has startet now against, and I finally see that the data are transferred again 🙂

SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA        SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA        Snapmirrored   13:41:20   Idle
SANNORDNA01:ESX_DATA2       SANNORDNA02:ESX_DATA2       Snapmirrored   253:41:22  Transferring  (2713 MB done)

I am now waiting until everything is replicated, but I want to ask you the following question, because of snapmirror issue I had expandet my ESXi 4.1 NFS Datastore

can I now shrink this Datastore again back without any problem?

thx in advance for your great help




Very good. If you shrink you should shrink the source then the target. And conversely of you grow the volume grow the target then the source.

Sent from my iPhone 4S
