Hi Folks
I have a question regarding space reclaim on a flexvol volume. Any flexvols we have presented on our NetApp are only used as VMware datastores.
I have storage Vmotion some VMs across different datastores as I am looking to decommision one of the datastores so I can give space back to the aggregate.
So in VMware the 2TB volume that i moving VMs from has now correctly gone down to 1.71TB remaining which is correct as 1 VMs still remains
but looking on the Netapp side the space hasn't reflected the same.
From reading similar posts is this because I am using Fibre LUNs as opposed to NFS?
Is there any way I can set it up so its shows the true space used and freed? I do have snapshots still associated with this flexvol. Would clearing these give back the space to the volume?
ANy advice on this would be appreciated.