Hi All,
Am just trying to setup a simulator involving cluster ONTAP operating in 7 mode. This setup is mainly to setup DR and vfiler migration. Please assist me in my queries,
Can i have a similar ONTAP version in my cluster(meaning they have the same serial number), running in my VMware workstation on my Laptop with this will I be able to setup vfiler migration from one filer to another?
I did try to migrate vfiler from the only controller and i get the below error,
vfiler migrate start -c secure -l root:******* vfiler2@SAFA
Local vfiler vfiler2 already exists.
When i removed the vfiler2 and then try to migrate i get the below
SAFA> vfiler migrate start -c secure -l root:******vfiler2@SAFA
Check if remote host is reachable or SSL is enabled on it.
If the command is still failing then check for proper login credentials.
Vfiler not found
Remote vfiler vfiler2 does not exist.
let me know if we require two controllers for migration or can it be done from a single hosting system