i try to connect to my netapp ftp server but without success...
My ftp settings: (FAS2040)
ftpd.3way.enable | off |
ftpd.anonymous.enable | on |
ftpd.anonymous.home_dir | /vol/ftp_test |
ftpd.anonymous.name | anonymous |
ftpd.auth_style | mixed |
ftpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
ftpd.dir.restriction | off |
ftpd.enable | on |
ftpd.explicit.allow_secure_data_conn on
ftpd.explicit.enable | off |
ftpd.idle_timeout | 900s |
ftpd.implicit.enable | off |
ftpd.ipv6.enable | off |
ftpd.locking | none |
ftpd.log.enable | on |
ftpd.log.filesize | 512k |
ftpd.log.nfiles | 6 |
ftpd.max_connections | 500 |
ftpd.max_connections_threshold 0%
ftpd.tcp_window_size | 28960 |
Error message:
220 nas-01 FTP server (NetApp Release 7.3.4: Thu May 27 17:52:48 PDT 2010) ready
Name (IP:root): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
530 Login incorrect.
ftp: Login failed.
Any ideads?