ONTAP Rest API Discussions
ONTAP Rest API Discussions
Created a new IPsec policy with API - 'security/ipsec/policies'
{'ipspace.name': 'Default',
'local_endpoint': {'address': '',
'netmask': '24',
'port': '201-201'},
'name': 'ipsec_policy_psk',
'remote_endpoint': {'address': '',
'netmask': '24',
'port': '201-201'},
'secret_key': 'DFRGTUJGNHFKDKS4553223',
'svm.name': 'svm4'}
but when trying to get this IPsec policy using the query, it returns empty records.
{'ipspace.name': 'Default',
'name': 'ipsec_policy_psk',
'svm.name': 'svm4'}
If I remove the ipspace.name in the query, I can get the IPsec policy good.
is this bug?
This does sound like a bug. Can you provide the HTTP request/response to make it a little more clear? I think what you're sending is something like this:
curl -iku <username>:<password> 'https://<mgmt_ip>/api/security/ipsec/policies?ipspace.name=Default&name=ipsec_policy_pstk&svm.name=svm4'
Does that look right?
Sorry I had to delete the last post which was not clear, adding the curl call here.
with Ipspace
curl -X GET "https://mgmt-ip/api/security/ipsec/policies?name=ipsec_policy_psk&svm.name=svm4&ipspace.name=Default&fields=ipspace&return_records=true&return_timeout=15"
{ "records": [], "num_records": 0 }
without IPspace
curl -X GET "https://mgmt-ip/api/security/ipsec/policies?name=ipsec_policy_psk&svm.name=svm4&fields=&return_records=true&return_timeout=15"
{ "records": [ { "name": "ipsec_policy_psk", "svm": { "name": "svm4" } } ], "num_records": 1 }
hope this helps
Thanks for the clarification. In the second query (the one that returned a record), you have fields= and nothing after the equal sign. Is that a typo? If you set that to fields=ipspace, do you get the ipspace name populated in the response?
ipspace key is never returned with fields: ipspace and also ipspace not returned for fields: *
curl -X GET "https://mgmt-ip/api/security/ipsec/policies?name=ipsec_policy_psk&svm.name=svm4&fields=ipspace&return_records=true&return_timeout=15" -H "accept: application/json"
{ "records": [ { "name": "ipsec_policy_psk", "svm": { "name": "svm4" } } ], "num_records": 1 }
with fields: **
curl -X GET "https://mgmt-ip/api/security/ipsec/policies?name=ipsec_policy_psk&svm.name=svm4&fields=**&return_records=true&return_timeout=15"
{ "records": [ { "name": "ipsec_policy_psk", "scope": "svm", "svm": { "name": "svm4" }, "local_endpoint": { "address": "", "netmask": "24", "port": "201-201" }, "remote_endpoint": { "address": "", "netmask": "24", "port": "205-205" }, "protocol": "tcp", "action": "esp_transport", "enabled": true, "authentication_method": "psk" } ], "num_records": 1 }
Given that it's never returned, I think that explains why the query returns 0 records when you query on it. The question now is, why isn't it set/returned?
I tried repeating your steps on my test cluster and I found that I could reproduce the same issue. Here are my logs:
~/$ curl -iku <user>:<pass> https://<mgmt_ip>/api/security/ipsec/policies -X POST -d '{"ipspace": {"name": "Default"}, "name": "ipsec_policy_psk", "local_endpoint": {"address": "", "netmask": "24", "port": "201-201"}, "remote_endpoint": {"address": "", "netmask": "24", "port": "201-201"}, "secret_key": "DFRGTUJGNHFKDKS4553223", "svm": {"name": "svm1"}}'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 13:29:24 GMT
Server: libzapid-httpd
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
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Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; frame-ancestors: 'self'
Location: /api/security/ipsec/policies/3e429290-7aea-11ed-ab9f-005056bb057f
Content-Length: 3
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Vary: Origin
~/$ curl -iku <user>:<pass> https://<mgmt_ip>/api/security/ipsec/policies
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 13:30:17 GMT
Server: libzapid-httpd
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' data:; frame-ancestors: 'self'
Content-Length: 366
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Vary: Accept-Encoding,Origin
"records": [
"uuid": "3e429290-7aea-11ed-ab9f-005056bb057f",
"name": "ipsec_policy_psk",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/security/ipsec/policies/3e429290-7aea-11ed-ab9f-005056bb057f"
"num_records": 1,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/security/ipsec/policies"
~/$ curl -iku <user>:<pass> https://<mgmt_ip>/api/security/ipsec/policies?fields=ipspace
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 13:30:49 GMT
Server: libzapid-httpd
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate
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Content-Length: 381
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Vary: Accept-Encoding,Origin
"records": [
"uuid": "3e429290-7aea-11ed-ab9f-005056bb057f",
"name": "ipsec_policy_psk",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/security/ipsec/policies/3e429290-7aea-11ed-ab9f-005056bb057f"
"num_records": 1,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/security/ipsec/policies?fields=ipspace"
mycluster::> security ipsec policy show
Policy Cipher
Vserver Name Local IP Subnet Remote IP Subnet Suite Action
------- ---------- ------------------ ------------------ -------------- -------
ipsec_policy_psk SUITEB_GCM256 ESP_TRA
mycluster::> security ipsec policy show -instance
Vserver: svm1
Policy Name: ipsec_policy_psk
Local IP Subnets:
Remote IP Subnets:
Local Ports: 201-201
Remote Ports: 201-201
Protocols: any
Action: ESP_TRA
Cipher Suite: SUITEB_GCM256
IKE Security Association Lifetime: 86400
IPsec Security Association Lifetime: 28800
IPsec Security Association Lifetime (bytes): 0
Is Policy Enabled: true
Local Identity: -
Remote Identity: -
Authentication Method: PSK
Certificate for Local Identity: -
mycluster::> set diag
Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
mycluster::*> debug smdb table ipsec_policy_rest show
uuid name scope ipspace.uuid ipspace.name svm.uuid svm.name local_endpoint.address local_endpoint.netmask local_endpoint.family local_endpoint.port remote_endpoint.address remote_endpoint.netmask remote_endpoint.family remote_endpoint.port protocol local_identity remote_identity action enabled authentication-method certificate.name certificate.uuid certificate._links.self.href
------------------------------------ ---------------- ----- ------------ ------------ ------------------------------------ -------- ---------------------- ---------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- -------------------- -------- -------------- --------------- ------------- ------- --------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------------------
3e429290-7aea-11ed-ab9f-005056bb057f ipsec_policy_psk svm - - b7a850a3-7ae4-11ed-ab9f-005056bb057f svm1 24 - 201-201 24 - 201-201 any - - ESP_TRANSPORT true PSK - - -
I think the next step would be to file a ticket with support and you can track any fix timeline or workaround that way.
Thanks Robert, please share the ticket number if you are creating a ticket. Thanks.
Sorry, I am unable to create a ticket with support. I can try to provide help here, but support is meant to interact with customers.