ONTAP Rest API Discussions

RBAC over RestRoles


HI all,


we are currently in the phase to switchover from ontapi to Rest-API.
For some regulations, we need to use RBAC, so that special AD-Groups/User get reduced API-Access to the vserver.


We need a role for Snapshot-Management (Backup Application), so this user only can create/delete snapshots on the vserver.


So far i can only get it working with giving RestAccess to API  /api/storage/volumes, but this would also give rights to create/destroy volumes and more.


I tried to create a more strict role, but it doesnot work.

Ontap_98::> security login rest-role create -vserver <vserver> -role rest_snapadmin -api /api/storage/volumes/{volume.uuid}/snapshots -access all

Error: command failed: Invalid character detected in URI.


Has anybody an Idea, how to restirct the Access to snapshot only operations with REST-API?


Best Regards,




Hi Klaus,


Whilst it's not currently possible to delegate permissions using the 'security login rest-role create' command you can use the traditional method as follows:



security login role create -role snapadmin -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access all -query "-vserver vserver1 -volume cifs_data_001"

vserver services web access create -name rest -role snapadmin -vserver cluster1

security login create snapadmin -application http -authentication-method password -role snapadmin

curl -ku snapadmin:<password> -X GET ""

  "records": [
      "uuid": "b43de933-4b7f-4bcd-b51d-b759b0752a4a",
      "name": "snapmirror.1b2e97b3-285c-11eb-9660-00505680d956_2150679890.2020-11-16_224256",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/storage/volumes/4a8e36e3-2861-11eb-9071-0050568028c9/snapshots/b43de933-4b7f-4bcd-b51d-b759b0752a4a"
      "uuid": "8c3ace7d-2b99-4dbe-b05c-f954ed37547c",
      "name": "snapmirror.1b2e97b3-285c-11eb-9660-00505680d956_2150679890.2020-11-19_020943",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/storage/volumes/4a8e36e3-2861-11eb-9071-0050568028c9/snapshots/8c3ace7d-2b99-4dbe-b05c-f954ed37547c"
  "num_records": 2,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/storage/volumes/4a8e36e3-2861-11eb-9071-0050568028c9/snapshots"



Note: if you ever renamed the volume you'd also need to update the name in the 'query':


security login role create -role snapadmin -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access all -query "-vserver vserver1 -volume cifs_data_001"


Hope that helps



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View solution in original post



Hi Klaus,


I don't believe the current ONTAP release supports granular RBAC access to an individual volume via the REST API. I tested this on ONTAP 9.8 and got the same result (replacing '{volume.uuid}' with a volume's UUID)


cluster1::> security login rest-role creat -vserver vserver1 -role rest_snapadmin -api /api/storage/volumes/1c25a5c1-bd20-11ea-8d7a-00a098dea1f0/snapshots -access all
Error: command failed: Specified URI path is invalid or not supported. Verify that the URI contains only valid characters. Variable-path URIs are not supported.

 I think this may be available in a future ONTAP release however in the meantime you could rehost the volume in another SVM and delegate access to '/api/storage/volumes'



If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.


Hi Klaus,


Whilst it's not currently possible to delegate permissions using the 'security login rest-role create' command you can use the traditional method as follows:



security login role create -role snapadmin -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access all -query "-vserver vserver1 -volume cifs_data_001"

vserver services web access create -name rest -role snapadmin -vserver cluster1

security login create snapadmin -application http -authentication-method password -role snapadmin

curl -ku snapadmin:<password> -X GET ""

  "records": [
      "uuid": "b43de933-4b7f-4bcd-b51d-b759b0752a4a",
      "name": "snapmirror.1b2e97b3-285c-11eb-9660-00505680d956_2150679890.2020-11-16_224256",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/storage/volumes/4a8e36e3-2861-11eb-9071-0050568028c9/snapshots/b43de933-4b7f-4bcd-b51d-b759b0752a4a"
      "uuid": "8c3ace7d-2b99-4dbe-b05c-f954ed37547c",
      "name": "snapmirror.1b2e97b3-285c-11eb-9660-00505680d956_2150679890.2020-11-19_020943",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/storage/volumes/4a8e36e3-2861-11eb-9071-0050568028c9/snapshots/8c3ace7d-2b99-4dbe-b05c-f954ed37547c"
  "num_records": 2,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/storage/volumes/4a8e36e3-2861-11eb-9071-0050568028c9/snapshots"



Note: if you ever renamed the volume you'd also need to update the name in the 'query':


security login role create -role snapadmin -cmddirname "volume snapshot" -access all -query "-vserver vserver1 -volume cifs_data_001"


Hope that helps



If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.


Hi Mat,


many thanks for that useful info.

After enabling the Web Service for our (ontAPI) Role it worked also well with Rest with all RBAC Features.


Best Regards,

