ONTAP Rest API Discussions
ONTAP Rest API Discussions
I have a question for you about the JSON for /api/snapmirror/relationships API. I am trying to replicate the following CLI command:
snapmirror create -source-path <SVM_NAME>:<SVM_NAME>_root -destination-path <SVM_NAME>:<SVM_NAME>_root_m1 -type LS -schedule 5min
I ask because it doesn't appear to like type or schedule in the following example:
{"source": {"path": "svm:svm_root"}, "destination": {"path": "svm:svm_root_m3"}, "type": "ls", "policy": "5min"}
I suspect I may need to switch policy for transfer schedule, but I am not sure about type.
Thanks in advance.
Solved! See The Solution
Hello, on this page: https://library.netapp.com/ecmdocs/ECMLP2885799/html/index.html, the section titled "Using the private CLI passthrough with the ONTAP REST API" describes how to make various requests. In your case, it would be a request on /api/private/cli/snapmirror/initialize because the Snapmirror API will not allow you to operate on LS relationships. I will raise your question now with the team who owns the endpoint so they can help provide input as to what the guidance is for customers trying to create LS type snapmirror relationships.
Here is a document that maps ONTAPI to REST: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-restmap-9131/snapmirror.html#snapmirror-create. The ontapi for "snapmirror create" is "snapmirror-create", which I linked above. It looks like there is no REST equivalent of "relationship-type" and the REST API for snapmirror only manages XDP relationships.
Thanks for the documentation. Rather than creating something that will need to be ported shortly after it is written (i.e., ONTAPI based), have the passthrough APIs been expanded to incorporate snapmirror operations any particular version?
Hi, I agree, using ZAPI is not a good idea. So that I'm clear, are you trying to create a relationship of type "LS" using the CLI passthrough?
I was, but I was able to create the relationship using the snapmirror passthrough. The next question is how do I get the relationship to initialize?
Hello, on this page: https://library.netapp.com/ecmdocs/ECMLP2885799/html/index.html, the section titled "Using the private CLI passthrough with the ONTAP REST API" describes how to make various requests. In your case, it would be a request on /api/private/cli/snapmirror/initialize because the Snapmirror API will not allow you to operate on LS relationships. I will raise your question now with the team who owns the endpoint so they can help provide input as to what the guidance is for customers trying to create LS type snapmirror relationships.