Object Storage

Howto get bucket-limits


Hi team,


i would like to display all limits on all tenants in our SGW environment. Now we use already the powershell module but it doesn't do exactly what i would like to see.


Or in other words, how can we monitor the tenant usage so we can act before the tenant limit is reached.

Even Cloud-Insights doesn't display the tenant limits, only usage of it.


Anyone any suggestion howto check or monitor it on regular base?





Hello Sander,


I have not be able to find a way to check all tenants at once, but I did find a way to check them one by one for their quotas.


In the StorageGRID GUI, you can navigate to Tenants tab and sign into each tenant account. A new browser tab for the tenant user will open, and you can check the dashboard for the total storage used and the quota limit.


Signing in to the Tenant Manager

Understanding the Tenant Manager Dashboard

Let me know if this helps or if you are looking for something else.

Team NetApp


> i would like to display all limits on all tenants in our SGW environment.


Apart from the quota, what other limits would you like to see?


> Now we use already the powershell module but it doesn't do exactly what i would like to see.


Which module are you referring to? Can you paste sample output for 1 tenant (please change the account name for privacy reasons).


Hi, thanks for your reply..


the powershell module i use comes from github and is made by Florian Felthaus and it has some nice features.

Example that i've added gives a nice overview of usage per bucket OR per tenant, depends which script i use.


Thing is, i know we handover the keys with a tenant and the end-user is fully responsible for it but a lot don't bother about management of the tenant. 

We had a few cases already where the tenant-limit (or quota-limit) was reached and customer needs to contact us to increase the limit.

Now if we could create an overview like in the example but with a column "limit per tenant" would be very helpfull so we can act on forehand and not always afterwards.


We also use Cloud Insights for our Netapp environment but that doesn't support it as well, only usage per bucket or tenant is possible.

Now if anyone has a suggestion, please share it with me and the community...






> Example that i've added gives a nice overview of usage per bucket OR per tenant, depends which script i use.


Do you use only Get-SgwAccountUsage or several cmdlets (e.g. also Get-SgwContainers)?

Are you the Grid Admin and also Tenant Admin?


I haven't used SG PowerShell much, but I think Grid Admins usually don't  get into the details of a Tenant's accounts and buckets (unless Tenant Admins don't change their password in order to offload some of that mangement onto the Grid Admin).  I think Cloud Insights works along those lines (that is, if you're the Grid Admin, you can see Tenants' usage; if you are a Tenant Admin, you can see your own users and their buckets) which is why it doesn't create a combined report, but I may be wrong about this.

