Object Storage
Object Storage
Hi everybody,
we are delivering storage grid trainings with virtual boxes.
The first training doesn’t have any problems.
The machines are reverted to a VMWare snapshot after the training and were powered off for about a month
Now we do have the problem that we can´t login to the admin node.
It seems that they are up but hanging on “Waiting for services to start”
Do you have an idea how the get this rid?
Everything seem to be fine, but not able to login
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Solved! See The Solution
I got cassandra working.
Hi everybody,
I assume problem is that cassandra service doesnt come up since the nodes were powered off longer than 15 days. Is there an fix to bring them back?
I got cassandra working.
Were all nodes power down at the same time, as in that case you don't need to rebuild cassandra on all nodes per se.
Can you contact me jhimst@netapp.com ?