Running vSim 8.2.1, under vSphere 5.1
When I look at aggregates for the cluster (three nodes), the aggregates are shown, but not discs or further info. When I try to renam the aggregates I see the following:
devcf01::storage> aggr modify -aggregate aggr0 -state online
Error: command failed: Failed to online aggregate aggr0. Reason: Lookup failed.
When I try to rename the aggregate, I see:
devcf01::> aggr rename -aggregate aggr0_devcf01_03_0 -newname ag0103
[Job 893] Failed to get the location information of aggregate aggr0_devcf01_03_0 from vldb due to entry doesn't exist. Retrying job[Job 893] Job is queued: Rename aggr0_devcf01_03_0 to ag0103.
Error: command failed: [Job 893] Job failed: Failed to get the location information of aggregate aggr0_devcf01_03_0 from vldb due
to entry doesn't exist.
Can anyone help with this?