Simulator Discussions

Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel




My simulator (8.0.1 in 7-mode) keeps logging the following errors:

Sat Sep 17 09:00:04 CEST [monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v0.

Sat Sep 17 09:00:04 CEST [monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v1.

Sat Sep 17 09:00:04 CEST [monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v2.

Sat Sep 17 09:00:04 CEST [monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v3.

I've followed the procedure to add two extra shelves to the simulator,hence the four channels, but the errors also existed before then.

Interestingly it's always only on the channels connected to ports A of the simulated shelves, never on the channels (v4-v7) to ports B.


On a real netapp I would follow the advice to "Ensure that all bus or loop connections are latched and secured properly", but what could cause this on a simulator?


Looking at the timing of the messages and what is logged immediately before the error I can see that it happens every hour on the hour (give or take a few seconds), and always at the same time as the "kern.uptime.filer:info" message. E.g.:

Sat Sep 17 12:00:03 CEST [kern.uptime.filer:info]:  12:00pm up 19:44 4698 NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 44 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops

Sat Sep 17 12:00:03 CEST [monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v0.


Guess I'm wondering;

Does this occur in every simulator, other people also have these errors?

Any way to "fix" it or is this a bug in the simulator?






Does this occur in every simulator, other people also have these errors?

The same problem(?) on simulator 8.1 7-Mode and on my old simulator 8.0.1...

Thu Jan 26 15:00:03 GMT [vONTAP81:kern.uptime.filer:info]:   3:00pm up 27 mins, 0 NFS ops, 495 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops

Thu Jan 26 15:00:03 GMT [vONTAP81:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v0.

Thu Jan 26 15:00:03 GMT [vONTAP81:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v1.

Thu Jan 26 15:00:03 GMT [vONTAP81:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v2.

Thu Jan 26 15:00:03 GMT [vONTAP81:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel v3




same exact error here as well.  With the additional 2 shelves (and I also saw it before I added the shelves)  8.0.1 7-Mode

But, everything seems to work, even filerview has a global "green" light.
