Simulator Discussions

How can I convert a single-node cluster to an HA pair cluster?


Hi, all

I configured a single-node cluster simulator the other day, but now I want to convert it to an HA pair cluster by joining another node, could someone tell me how?

I have searched some documents, but could not find related doc.

And if it is supported with physical nodes?



Hi JianGong Dai,

HA is not supported in simulators

>And if it is supported with physical nodes?

HA is supported on physical nodes

please see the documentation here --

check page 6



Hi, Venkat

Thank you for your response.

I know simulator doesn't support HA features, but my point is that how can I convert a single-node cluster to be part of an HA pair cluster with physical node?

Is there any documentation covering this?

I searched the KB, but could not find something related.


Hi JianGong Dai,

>how can I convert a single-node cluster to be part of an HA pair cluster with physical node?

>Is there any documentation covering this?

>I searched the KB, but could not find something related.

i am curious to know the usecase here.

>can I convert a single-node cluster to be part of an HA pair cluster with physical node?

This is not supported either.(actually not possible to do )

In a HA pair need to see the disk-shelf of there partners

For example. say i have a physical HA pairs A and B.Each of these nodes when part of HA can view partner disks (they are cabled such that)

In an event of failure of controller A the partner B takeover all the disks of partner A

Since in a simulator (simulated ontap) we don't have an ability to achieve this . i say this is not supported

so you cannot pair a vsim with physical node to create an HA



Hi, Venkat

Many thanks in advance for your comments.

I am sorry I didn't make myself understood correctly, but I certainly know we cannot pair a vsim with a physical node to create an HA.

Now let me make it clearly: assume that I got a FAS2240A, and I use one controller to create a single-node cluster, and just leave the other controller not configured(but with 8.2 cDOT image installed). Now I want to convert the single-node cluster to pair the unused controller to create an HA pair cluster. what is the specific conversion processes?

Thank you.


Hi JianGong Dai,

I guess you incorrectly posted it to SIMULATOR page. But thats ok.

This question is more on the physical ontap front.

Aah i read the subject line -- which clearly states your point.

well i will try and answer this one.(though i may be incorrect -- request you to check and post a similar query on ontap community page)

also i would try and find an answer myself because this looks like an interesting scenario too

my answer:

If you buy two physical nodes i would ideally configure both (will not try to have a single node)

Since you have tried to create a single node cluster only . I would ideally bring up the second node with same ontap version

I will have to connect the disk shelf appropriately for HA (as mentioned in my above post)

I would need an interconnect cable running between these clusters nodes

i will make the second node up and join the first node (making it a 2 node cluster)

after this on for HA i will have to enable storage failover on each nodes

storage failover modify -node nodeA -enabled true

storage failover modify -node nodeB -enabled true.

storage failover show (would show me both nodes connected)



Hi, Venkat

I got what I want to know, thank you so much for your input.

Actually it was a simulator(8.2 cDOT) environment, and I use one vsim to create a single-node cluster, and I want to convert this single-node cluster to a two node cluster by adding another vsim, I just didn't know how to do this.

Now I got it, thanks again.

