Simulator Discussions
Simulator Discussions
After upgrading to version 9.9.1 in my Ontap Sim lab I noticed that now the cluster nodes are with a constant high CPU percentage. I performed several tests by creating a new cluster in both versions 9.8 and 9.9.1. I found that the 9.8 cluster has no high CPU behavior but the 9.9.1 cluster does.
Any change in version 9.9.1?
My environment:
ESXi version = 7.0u2
CPU = Intel Xeon Processor E5-2630 v4
Mem = 128GB
Ontap Sim 9.8 CPU - ESXi:
Ontap Sim 9.9 CPU - ESXi:
Any help would be appreciated.
Solved! See The Solution
Both Test VMs have 12GB of RAM. Same high CPU behavior.
Thanks for the help but I will revert back to 9.7px version.
As requested:
PS /home/xxxxxxx> get-vm 'Ontap S*'
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
---- ---------- -------- --------
Ontap Sim 9.8 PoweredOn 2 12.000
Ontap Sim 9.9 PoweredOn 2 12.000
PS /home/xxxxxxx>
I don't know what is happening. Can you post the output for sysstat -M on each node?
node run -node XXX -command sysstat -M 1
I made several performance captures but I do not see any anomaly. Additionally I upgraded from version 9.8 to 9.9.1 in the cluster that does not have the anomaly and after the upgrade I see the same strange behavior. Both nodes have nothing configured. I think it is a bug!
9.8 Sim upgraded to 9.9.1:
As requested:
Ontap 9.8 SIM Node sysstat:
Ontap 9.9.1 Sim Node sysstat:
After the upgrade, did you change the memory allocation for the SIM instances? I saw that they have different requirements:
5.1 GB of RAM till ONTAP 9.8 and 6 GB of RAM from ONTAP 9.9.1 and above, for one instance of the simulator
10.2 GB of RAM till ONTAP 9.8 and 12 GB of RAM from ONTAP 9.9.1 and above, for two instances of the simulator
Both Test VMs have 12GB of RAM. Same high CPU behavior.
Thanks for the help but I will revert back to 9.7px version.
As requested:
PS /home/xxxxxxx> get-vm 'Ontap S*'
Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB
---- ---------- -------- --------
Ontap Sim 9.8 PoweredOn 2 12.000
Ontap Sim 9.9 PoweredOn 2 12.000
PS /home/xxxxxxx>