Hello friends,
I recently installed and configure Ontap Simulator ...i am able to get FilerView on IE but i have one issue regarding to Operation Manager option on FilerView.
When i was type IP of Simulator on IE and open FilerView i was able to see ClickHere tab on Opearation Manager options as i show in picture attach here....and through that clickhere tab system direct me to management view of Filer ...But when i was login on Filer through Simulator IP on IE i didn;t get that ClickHere tab and when i click on Operation Manager tab i got error which i show in the image which i attach here...with Red color i describe tht i was missing that ClickHere on Operation manager
Please anybody have idea how do i get back that tab or how i solved tht error so i can direct myself into Operation Manager view in FilerView...i appreciate for information....