Simulator Discussions
Simulator Discussions
Hello all ,
I'm totally newbie so sorry for my not-that-smart questions. I will write You case-study of what I was doing:
First I created an aggr containings 6 1g disks with raid-dp:
filer1> aggr create aggr1 6
Creation of an aggregate with 6 disks has completed.
filer1> aggr show_space aggr1 -m
Aggregate 'aggr1'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG A-SIS Smtape
4000MB 400MB 0MB 3600MB 0MB 0MB 0MB
This aggregate does not contain any volumes
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 0MB 0MB 3599MB
Snap reserve 0MB 0MB 0MB
WAFL reserve 400MB 0MB 399MB
2. Create a volume and set it to 3g
filer1> vol create vol1 aggr1 3g
Creation of volume 'vol1' with size 3g on containing aggregate
'aggr1' has completed.
filer1> aggr show_space aggr1 -m
Aggregate 'aggr1'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG A-SIS Smtape
4000MB 400MB 0MB 3600MB 0MB 0MB 0MB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
vol1 3089MB 0MB volume
And at this moment I exported vol1 as a cifs share and mount it to my windows. And I see:
2,84 GB free of 2,84 GB which is correct - the 5% difference because of snapshot reserve - right?
Than I wanted to turn off space guarantee with command:
filer1> vol options vol1 guarantee none
because space guarantee is turned off, even though my aggr has only about 4g space I can add to vol1 500g
filer1> vol size vol1 +500g
vol size: Flexible volume 'vol1' size set to 503g.
This volume is cifs share to windows, and windows now shows me:
737 MB free of 477 GB
First question: How windows "knows" that not all of 477 GB is available... Is there a way to 'hide' from a end-user the real size of space that is available? Of course I did not set any quotas at this point.
Second question: Why the free space "shrinked to" 737 MB even though my aggr has 4GB size (the volume is empty).
and now more interesting stuff, I changed the volume back to 3g:
filer1> vol size vol1 -500g
vol size: Flexible volume 'vol1' size set to 3g.
Third question: Why windows shows me that my cifs share has 737 MB free of 2,84 GB ? What's going on with (about) 2 GB used space right now ?
I'm not able to set the vol quarantee to "volume" unless I shink my volume to 737 MB (or less).
filer1> vol size vol1 500m
vol size: Flexible volume 'vol1' size set to 500m.
filer1> vol options vol1 guarantee volume
and now:
filer1> aggr show_space aggr1 -m
Aggregate 'aggr1'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG A-SIS Smtape
4000MB 400MB 0MB 3600MB 0MB 0MB 0MB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
vol1 3361MB 1MB volume
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 3361MB 1MB 238MB
Snap reserve 0MB 0MB 0MB
WAFL reserve 400MB 2MB 397MB
why my vol1 has alocated 3361MB even though the volume size is 500m ? Is this normal behaviour or is it some kind of simulator bug?
Once again, I'm just a newbie, so please don't laugh at me if I don't understand some general basic stuff
did you unistall and reinstall the software
and do the same stuff.
thanks for the replay
I did a mistake in a first "part" of my post - the aggr created from 4 disks, not 6. But it does not matter
As far as I look into this issue I think it's how it's supposed to be.
I guess making volume larger - space for hm wafl? inods? was extended. And when I make vol smaller again - it just does not change the space reservation for inods?
But I would be really happy if someone could confirm that.
aonther example without thin provisioning:
filer1> vol create proba aggr1 20m
Creation of volume 'proba' with size 20m on containing aggregate
filer1> aggr show_space -m aggr1
VOLUME Allocated Used Guarantee
[...]proba 20MB 0MB volume
filer1>vol size proba aggr1 +1g
vol size: Flexible volume 'proba' size set to 1044m.
filer1> vol size proba -1g
vol size: Flexible volume 'proba' size set to 20m.
filer1> aggr show_space -m aggr1
VOLUME Allocated Used Guarantee
[...]proba 25MB 0MB volume
Where did 5 mb go ?:)