Simulator Discussions

Storage vMotion of sims


I have two 8.1 sims powered off and sitting on an NFS datastore that I want to decom.  (want the sims, but on a different vol).

Trying to storage vMotion them to the new datastore, I get, from Hard Disk 1:  "The datastore is not compatible with the virtual machine."

Hundreds of other VMs moved without complaint, and regular vMotion works.  Is this some limit built into the sims?



OK, this was fun, and I realize that I left out the critical piece for diagnosis.

DSx = datastore number x, DSCx = datastore cluster number X, DC = datacenter, SVMO = Storage vMotion

All tests done by disabling storage DRS during the SVMO.

sim sitting on DS1 sitting in DSC1, SVMO to a DS2 sitting in DSC2, fail.

sim sitting on DS2 sitting in DSC2, SVMO to a DS3 (NOT sitting in a DSC), succeed

DS1 sitting in DSC1, pull DS1 out to where it's just DS1 under a DC, trivial

sim sitting on DS3 (NOT sitting in a DSC), SVMO to DS2 sitting in DSC2, succeed.

DS1 pulled to where it's a DS under the target DSC2, trivial.

sim sitting on DS1 sitting in DSC2, SVMO to a DS2 sitting in the same DSC2, fail

Sims can't handle datastore clusters.  BURT.
