OK, this was fun, and I realize that I left out the critical piece for diagnosis.
DSx = datastore number x, DSCx = datastore cluster number X, DC = datacenter, SVMO = Storage vMotion
All tests done by disabling storage DRS during the SVMO.
sim sitting on DS1 sitting in DSC1, SVMO to a DS2 sitting in DSC2, fail.
sim sitting on DS2 sitting in DSC2, SVMO to a DS3 (NOT sitting in a DSC), succeed
DS1 sitting in DSC1, pull DS1 out to where it's just DS1 under a DC, trivial
sim sitting on DS3 (NOT sitting in a DSC), SVMO to DS2 sitting in DSC2, succeed.
DS1 pulled to where it's a DS under the target DSC2, trivial.
sim sitting on DS1 sitting in DSC2, SVMO to a DS2 sitting in the same DSC2, fail
Sims can't handle datastore clusters. BURT.