Simulator Discussions
Simulator Discussions
I'm using Virtualbox 5.0.10r -
and the 8.2 simulator, and I can't seem to get all the way to the boot menu.
I have 2 processors, and 4764 MB ram allocated to the VM.
I get other errors - no debug ports present.
I have adjusted the boot loader vis these arguments:
setenv bootarg.init.low_mem 512
setenv bootarg.vnvram.size 64
setenv nvram_discard true
Not sure what else to try.
You shouldn't need those bootargs on 8.2. low_mem is already set at 512 in the download, and the nvram is in fake mode so the other two do not apply. Also 8.2 shouldn't need that much ram. The vmx in the download has it set to 1600MB. Thats a little skimpy but 3gb is probably sufficient
Aside from that its probably something wrong in the vm definition.
Okay, deleting it and starting over.
For VirtualBox VM, I have the following network settings for my NICs. Do not use 'Bridged Adapter'. Do use 'Host-only Adapter' so you can set specific IP addresses. Make sure to use Adapter Type 'Intel PRO/1000 MT Server (8245EM)'.
NIC 1: MAC: 080027DC058B, Attachment: Host-only Interface 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82545EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 2: MAC: 0800274003B8, Attachment: Host-only Interface 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82545EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 3: MAC: 08002748C6D4, Attachment: Host-only Interface 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82545EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 4: MAC: 0800276532D6, Attachment: Host-only Interface 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82545EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 5: MAC: 080027EEF9D8, Attachment: Host-only Interface 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82545EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 6: MAC: 08002762C4D5, Attachment: Host-only Interface 'VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter', Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82545EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
This is what NICs look like after successful install of NetApp Sim 8.2.2 on VirtualBox:
c1::> net int show
(network interface show)
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
cluster_mgmt up/up c1-01 e0c true
clus1 up/up c1-01 e0a true
clus2 up/up c1-01 e0b true
mgmt1 up/up c1-01 e0f true
up/up c1-01 e0c true
up/up c1-01 e0d true
up/up c1-01 e0e true
7 entries were displayed.
c1::> net port show
(network port show)
Auto-Negot Duplex Speed (Mbps)
Node Port Role Link MTU Admin/Oper Admin/Oper Admin/Oper
------ ------ ------------ ---- ----- ----------- ---------- ------------
e0a cluster up 1500 true/true full/full auto/1000
e0b cluster up 1500 true/true full/full auto/1000
e0c data up 1500 true/true full/full auto/1000
e0d data up 1500 true/true full/full auto/1000
e0e data up 1500 true/true full/full auto/1000
e0f node-mgmt up 1500 true/true full/full auto/1000
6 entries were displayed.
Hope you follow link: for insight to setup NetApp Sim on VirtualBox.