Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Or even to Filerview? We are hosting several systems for other parts of the company and this guy would like to "see his stuff". I'm fine with that as long as he can't change his stuff in a way that could impact other customers (he's on his own volumes but the underlying aggrs are shared with others).
Any suggestions? 7.3.2 & DFM here.
Solved! See The Solution
Following steps will help you to create a Filerview Readonly Account in Filer.
f3020> useradmin role add read-role -a filerview-readonly
Role <read-role> added.
f3020> useradmin group add read-grp -r read-role
Group <read-grp> added.
f3020> useradmin user add read-user -g read-grp
New password:================================> Enter your password for read-user account
Retype new password:
User <read-user> added.
After making the changes above, the read-user account should be restricted to read-only access and he should be able to login to FilerView with readonly access.
Do you want to use API or CLI
As for CLI you can use
dfm user role set (to set roles to user)
dfm role list (to get list of possible roles)
I think the role "GlobalRead" should give read only access.
Vishal Kulkarni
Following steps will help you to create a Filerview Readonly Account in Filer.
f3020> useradmin role add read-role -a filerview-readonly
Role <read-role> added.
f3020> useradmin group add read-grp -r read-role
Group <read-grp> added.
f3020> useradmin user add read-user -g read-grp
New password:================================> Enter your password for read-user account
Retype new password:
User <read-user> added.
After making the changes above, the read-user account should be restricted to read-only access and he should be able to login to FilerView with readonly access.
What would the minimal role a local account on a filer would need to to have oncommand 5.1 log in collect info. read only doesn't seem to allow ssh which in turn no cli access: there fore dfm fails to connect.