Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
i am new in the sdk world. with the "old" manageontap.dll i was able to connect to the filer, but with the new manage-ontap.dll i cant.
we are running ontap 7.3.4P3, but i can only find dll's for 7.3.1, 7.3, 7.3.1, 7.3.3, 7.3.5, 8.0 in the 4.1 SDK
old: (works)
NaServer mycontroller;
NaElement xin, xout;
mycontroller = new NaServer(storageController, 1, 0);
mycontroller.Style = NaServer.AUTH_STYLE.LOGIN_PASSWORD;
mycontroller.SetAdminUser(user, pass);
NaFiler server = null;
server = new NaFiler(txthost.Text);
server.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtuser.Text, txtpw.Text);
server.ForceUseUnsecure = true;
VolumeListInfo input = new VolumeListInfo();
i get the error: The type initializer for 'NetApp.NaServer' threw an exception.
sorry but i searched a long time in the web but i cant find a answer...
Solved! See The Solution
Try this:
xi = new NaElement("system-get-info");
xo = s.InvokeElem(xi);
systemInfo = xo.GetChildByName("system-info");
systemID = systemInfo.GetChildContent("system-id");
GetChildren() is used for getting arrays within an element.
- Rick -
Hi Markus
I guess you have downloaded the.NET API bindings package from NOW. If you plan to use the same you can use 7.3.5 dll to work with 7.3.4
If you plan to use any other programming language download the NetApp Manageability SDK 4.1 package.
hi kunalm,
thanks for your response! i downloaded the sdk 4.1 today and there i find all what i searched for...
now all works great... i only get no Value from the system-id or other elements from system-get-info
xi = new NaElement("system-get-info");
xo = s.InvokeElem(xi);
volList = xo.GetChildByName("system-info").GetChildren();
volIter = volList.GetEnumerator();
while (volIter.MoveNext())
NaElement volInfo = (NaElement)volIter.Current;
sysid = volInfo.GetChildContent("system-id");
//listBox1.Items.Add("Volume Name\t\t: ");
listBox1.Items.Add("System-ID " + sysid);
There is a utility called ZExplore within the package. You can try using it to execute the system-get-info API
Try this:
xi = new NaElement("system-get-info");
xo = s.InvokeElem(xi);
systemInfo = xo.GetChildByName("system-info");
systemID = systemInfo.GetChildContent("system-id");
GetChildren() is used for getting arrays within an element.
- Rick -
hi Rick, kunalm
thank you! rick's version works great. ZExplorer is a nice tool i searched for!