Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions
Any plans to create Ansible modules for SnapCentre?
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I'm not aware of any "official" plans but it sure is a good idea and would make a lot of sense given NetApp's investment in Ansible. It should be possible to use the URI module to invoke SnapCenter REST API's but it would be much easier to have native SnapCenter Ansible modules that abstracted complexity. I started something similar a while ago for a PowerShell module which is a wrapper around the REST API's. Same concept could be applied to Ansible modules for SnapCenter. What's your use case?
I'm not aware of any "official" plans but it sure is a good idea and would make a lot of sense given NetApp's investment in Ansible. It should be possible to use the URI module to invoke SnapCenter REST API's but it would be much easier to have native SnapCenter Ansible modules that abstracted complexity. I started something similar a while ago for a PowerShell module which is a wrapper around the REST API's. Same concept could be applied to Ansible modules for SnapCenter. What's your use case?
Thanks @mbeattie for taking the time to reply! Out of interest, why did you build a module instead of using the CMDLETS provided with SC 4.4 or was this not available in SC 4.2?
Hi. I am also looking for Ansible modules for snapcenter. Has any progress being made on this? One of my use cases is to take backup of a database and then verify/return successfull completion of the job before proceeding to the next item in my automation work flow.
I'm not aware of any 'official' snapcenter ansible modules though i am familiar with Python and Ansible. What version of SnapCenter are you using? I'll see if i can get access to a lab and try developing a module for it.
Hi, Thanks for getting back so quickly. We are currently using version 4.4. We plan to update at a later date to 4.5.
Thank you
I've taken a look in a lab for you however it appears there is no POST method for invoking backups: /{api_version}/backups/{name}
There is GET, PUT and DELETE but not POST method. Investigating further...