Software Development Kit (SDK) and API Discussions

Syntax to Filter result from DFM API with resource-filter


Hello Community,


Sorry about that beginner question, but I really can't find the info

I'm trying to filter a request sent to OCUM.

The example is about cluster-iter, but i have the same problem with all other API when resource-filter is used

I cannot figure out the syntax to use with resource-filter


By example, without any resource-filter when i query OCUM about cluster-iter, i get all cluster registered into OCUM:


# curl --insecure -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <netapp  xmlns="" version="1.0"> <cluster-iter> <max-records>10</max-records> </cluster-iter> </netapp>' https://admin:password@<ocumIP>/apis/XMLrequest
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE netapp SYSTEM ''><netapp xmlns="" version="1.0">
<results status="passed">
<description>SnapVault License</description>

If i want to filter result and only get information for one particular cluster, i need to use resource-filter.

But i don't find the correct syntax and always get the same error:

# curl --insecure -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <netapp  xmlns="" version="1.0"> <cluster-iter> <max-records>10</max-records> <resource-filter><ul><li>ClusterA</ul></resource-filter> </cluster-iter> </netapp>' https://admin:netapp@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><!DOCTYPE netapp SYSTEM ''><netapp xmlns="" version="1.0">
<results status="failed" reason="ParseError at [row,col]:[1,168] Message: Expected EndElement {}resource-filter" errno="13001"/></netapp>

ZEXPLORER indicate the following:


<!--Resource by which to filter the result set. Any resource-filters specified in the first call must be included in subsequent calls. The allowed object types for this argument are: <ul> <li> cluster </ul> If resource-filter identifies a cluster, that single cluster will be returned. If resource-filter resolves to more than one cluster, all of them will be returned. If no resource-filter is provided, all clusters will be listed.-->


Does anybody know the resource-filter syntax to filter resource from DFM API result?





I ran into the same problem and tried it this way with no success:




It results in this message:


Error:\n<results status="failed" reason="ParseError at [row,col]:[1,301] Message: Expected EndElement {}resource-filter" errno="13001"></results>


Any hints to get it working?
