our mode is 7-mode
exportfs -q dosen't return the volume information, just the export path and actual export path in the below i would expect that somewhere it would identify the volumes test2, or vol0. In the first case, the volume name could maybe be regexed out of the actualpath, but in the second it becomes more complicated.
exportfs -q /vol/test2_22
/vol/test2_22 -actual=/vol/test2,sec=sys,(ruleid=222),rw
exportfs -q /vol/vol0/home
/vol/vol0/home -sec=sys,(ruleid=1),rw,root=,nosuid
I'll need to check what the psh Get-NaNfsExport is running, i would assume its running <nfs-exportfs-list-rules /> or <nfs-exportfs-list-rules-2 />, neither return volume information