Tech ONTAP Blogs

Starting This Week: Webinars for New to NetApp



Is there someone on your team who is new to working with NetApp products? Or are you adding a new NetApp solution? Either way, we have a series of webinars to help out. Offered by the experts of our shared technical services team, the next four webinars will cover cloud, system manager, NetApp basics (NetApp 101), and Cloud Volumes ONTAP. Send your friends and colleagues to one or all of them. It’s a great chance to learn more, ask questions, and chat with technical experts.


Please feel to share this information with anyone who might be interested. If there are other topics you would like us to cover in a solution webinar, please let us know.


Here are the times and registration links.


July 27th, 2022: Cloud Manager Demo

August 10th , 2022: System Manager Demo

August 24th , 2022: NetApp 101 Presentation 

 September 7, 2022 Cloud Volumes ONTAP Demo


