VMware Solutions Discussions
VMware Solutions Discussions
I keep getting error
Registration failed with the following message: NVPF-00001: Invalid vSphere credentials: sfesxvc2.advent.com:443 - . Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException
Verified the username and password are correct. The password doesn't contain "&", "<", or ">"
any thoughts?
Was there a need to keep version 2.1? I believe VSC 4.0 is out, we just upgraded it a few days ago. Now it supports VMDK alignment live (reboot needed) and VAAI for NFS, just to name a couple.
didnt realize there is 4
ok so i installed 4, registration went fine, but when launching the vsphere client i don't see that netapp tab, is there any way of verifying on the Virtual Center server that it registered correctly?
Also when i go back to https://localhost:8143/Register.html to re enter credentials i get the following error
Error getting registration information: NVPF-00007: Could not retrieve registration information: com.netapp.nvpf.client.vsphere.CredentialServiceException: NVPF-00005: Could not retrieve credential information: java.lang.NullPointerException
Hey anyone,
is there a solution for this problem out now?
I have the same issue at a customer side 😕
The interesting thought here is, what prerequesites to the user account and password do exist to register VSC (4.1 in my case)?
We tried to register with a service account (no group policies and such attached) and it is not working.
On the other hand registering with a regular user account with policies attached registration just works fine?!?
Thanks alot
Hello folks,
since this morning we have a similar issue with vsc 4.1 and vCenter 5.1 U1.
The last smvi backup runs fine at 4 am. The next one at 5 am did fail. Username/Password issue was recorded in windows event log. If i try to reregister the plugin it also fails:
Registration failed with the following message: NVPF-00004: User name DOMAIN\USER and the password specified for the vCenter server are not valid. Please try another user name and/or password
The account is valid and the password correct.
Nothing changed so far, what's going on here?
Any hint is highly welcome!
Try to apply your permissions at the top level (vCenter Server not sites or clusters underneath) for the account you are using to register. Make sure propagate is checked.
Rich Evans
I have the same message and I tried this resolution but it failed again.
Tried with other users but the same error appears.
I have restarted the machine , both vcenter and VSC but the problem persists.
Is there any solution to this problem.