VMware Solutions Discussions

Debate: Not all storage is created equal. How important is a strong foundation?

Not all storage is created equal. How important is a strong foundation?
Tuesday, October  25, 2011  at 12:00PM Pacific

NetApp and its community of customers, partners from Cisco and VMware and leading industry voices will be engaged in a great debate about storage in the midsize business space.

We encourage all of you to share your thoughts and comments on the thread below, tweet using #midsizebiz hashtag, or during the live event on Tues Oct 25. Featured guests are invited to comment on the debate; to provide context and informed perspective on the subject.

Moderator's Opening Statement


Brian Babineau

Vice President, Research and Analyst Services

Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc.

As an analyst, I have participated in advisory sessions where companies view storage as disk drive byte containers or make storage purchasing decision is predicated on $ per gigabyte – those are boring.  Then there are some companies that understand that not all storage is created equally.  These folks try to find ways storage can do something more and are willing to make an investment.  The best part is when their storage decision ultimately leads to benefits where storage isn’t even referenced – better mobile workforce collaboration, daily data integration to real-time analytics, and audit reports complete in hours not days.  These things matter to large and small companies.  Not all storage is created equal and not every company truly appreciates it yet.


Mike Riley

Global Systems Engineer, NetApp

Tim Torres

Vice President, Technical Operations, Merced Systems

Wade Holmes

Technical Solution Architect – Partner Cloud, VMware

David Antkowiak

Solutions Architect, Cisco

and a featured guest



What is good enough storage and why do people settlefor it? These are just a few of the questions asked in our first Great Debate that included NetApp experts and its community of customers, partners from Cisco and VMware and leading industry voices. If you missed this chat, below you can view the replay in its entirety. We also encourage you to share your thoughts and contribute in our next live debate which will be held on Tuesday,October 25 at 12 p.m. PST.

Brian Babineau, Sr. Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group - @bbabineau

Mike Riley, Engineer at NetApp - @MSR11

Abhinav Joshi, Sr. Cloud Solutions Architect at Cisco Systems - @abhinav_josh

Wade Holmes, Technical Solution Architect - Partner Cloud at VMware - @wholmes

Timothy Torres, Vice President, Technical Operations at Merced Systems

Bryan Aten, Sr. Account Executive at RazorTechnologies

Kenneth Danila, IT Operations Manager at VHB

Peter Ghosh, IT Infrastructure Specialist and Entrepreneur at WSFS Bank - SuccessStory

Mike Goodman, Network Analyst at BroomeTioga - Case Study:Broome -Tioga Start Right, Keep It Simple, Grow Smart


If you missed the debate, take a look at the replay. Still have more questions or want to add to the debate, reply to this thread and keep the debate going!
