On our demo environement, we have deployed vCenter 8.0.3, SnapCenter 6.1, and SnapCenter tools for vSphere 6.1 plugin.
We are trying to also deploy the latest ONTAP Tools for vSphere 10.3 into the same environment.
During ONTAP Tools OVA deployed, and initalization completed with VM power on, it is found that the ONTAP Tools for vSphere 10.3 first appliance used the SnapCenter tools for vSphere plugin appliances IP, instead of the OVA wizard one (e.g.
Tried to deploy a few times again but it is still the same, any one experiences similar issues?

No way to edit the Node appliance IP address in GUI.

No way to edit the Node appliance IP address in console.

Documentation not match API calls for 10.3
Tried to change the IP address for ONTAP Tools for vSphere 10.3, but don't find any doc, and the KB seems not match with 10.3 API seetings, please have UI that can change IP address easily!