Hi Netapp Forum,
Please can someone help me figure out why our esxi luns do not recover when the netapp is failed over or we lose network Ive logged calls with vmware and they are saying its the netapp and vice versa: Here is our config would like to know if there is anything wrong with it: (im just checking to make sure the netapp is setup correctly as we have ucs, vmware and netapp in this mix)
Our Netapp has 1 ip and 1 additional alias as per TR3749 the vmware host has two vmware kernels for iscsi in one vswitch with multiple tcp sessions enabled, so we see x 4 paths all active.
The vmware host is using vmware round robin psp and all 4 paths to the storage are active.
When the netapp fails over to the other head we lose connectivity to the storage luns even though the ip and alias are available on the other head using vmkping from the esxi host, And actually even if the netapp doesnt fail over and one of the iscsi vnics fail we still lose connectivity so this looks like a esxi issue to me but need clarification....
We are using vsc 4.11, the esxi host is 4.1 U2 and the Netapp is 8.1
Questions I have is it ok for the netapp to have an ip address and an alias for redundancy using iscsi or should it just have 1 ip address bringing the paths down to 2 from 4, so each each vmkernel will only see 1 path instead of two, I thought this was the best practice.
The psp of the vmware is Round Robin but the vsc has set the SATP to VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA (ive seen similar non netapp bugs for this on the vmware site)
I thought the psp and satp (storage array type should be like below as the netapp igroup has ALUA enabled)
esxcli nmp satp setdefaultpsp --satp VMW_SATP_ALUA --psp VMW_PSP_RR
Please can someone provide any advice would be appreciated.
Right now Im thinking the alias on the netapp might not be supported as a valid ip path thats why it fails when there is a network failure or the SATP set by vsc is wrong?