VMware Solutions Discussions

FC connectivity FAS2552 with VMware ESXi 5.5 not work


I have a NetApp/VMware infrastructure. The NetApp storage disk is FAS2552 C-mode 8.3.The connections between FAS2552 and VMware ESXi are fibre channel (with QLogic SANbox 5802 switchs).
There are one ESXi in version 4.1 and 5 ESXi in version 5.5, in a other cluster.
The ESXi 4.1 can connect to FAS2552’s LUNs. But all ESXi 5.5 cannot connect to same LUNs.
I do not find the reason.
The configuration is the same for LUNs and zonning. And “fcp ping” command returns “is alive” for all initiators.

For exemple :
VMP06 is ESXI 4.1 and VMP11 is ESXi 5.5

“igroup show -instance” returns :
          Vserver Name: SVM_STP05_FC
           Igroup Name: VMP06
              Protocol: fcp
               OS Type: vmware
Portset Binding Igroup: Portset_SVM_STP05_FC
           Igroup UUID: f8195ceb-0261-11e7-babb-00a098c3ec4a
                  ALUA: true
            Initiators: 21:00:00:24:ff:35:6e:8c (logged in)
21:00:00:24:ff:35:6e:8d (logged in)

          Vserver Name: SVM_STP05_FC
           Igroup Name: VMP11
              Protocol: fcp
               OS Type: vmware
Portset Binding Igroup: Portset_SVM_SEDSTP05_FC
           Igroup UUID: 8ec6122d-0261-11e7-babb-00a098c3ec4a
                  ALUA: true
            Initiators: 21:00:00:24:ff:4a:86:f8 (not logged in)
21:00:00:24:ff:4a:86:f9 (not logged in)


And “fcp ping 0c 21:00:00:24:ff:4a:86:f8” returns :
21:00:00:24:ff:4a:86:f8 (0x10600) is alive

And “ lun mapping show” returns :
Vserver    Path                                      Igroup   LUN ID  Protocol
---------- ----------------------------------------  -------  ------  --------
                                                     VMP06    111  fcp
                                                     VMP11    111  fcp


Thank you for any help.
