VMware Solutions Discussions

Question on size of VSC backup


I use VSC 2.1.2 in my  nfs vm environment to do all my backups of servers. I am running 7.3.6 for data ontap and ESX 4.0 update 3. As of about the last two weeks I have a server that is taking up mass amounts of space for it's backups. This server is thin provisioned to only go up to 30 gb and is currently only around 16 gb in size but the backups are around 30 gb for the first backup and a total of 58 for the second backup and finally a total of 44 for the third. Why would this be so large for the first backup? I realize that the final two will be bigger but why the initial one? All of my other backups are 500 mb or at most a couple of gb's. What could be going on? What can I do to troubleshoot why this is so large. As always I appreciate the help.



If you did not set your Windows pagefile on an other datastore that is not snapped, it might be that the machine has a shortage of working memory and is therefore changing the pagefile a lot (still this wil only make a difference for the size of the page file). Or maybe there is an application that generates a lot of temp files. How did you see how big the backup is? Is the vm on its own datastore-lun-volume?
