Over the last couple of days, I've being try to find a storage virtulization solution. that operates much like VMware storage vmotion, but is not dependant on vmware and is operational at block level. Much like NetApp's DataMotion, but without the restrictions.
Wouldn't is be great if we could move volumes or lun for FC disks to SATA disks and back, without zero downtime to the application or move from one storage system to another again without zero downtime. I know these features are realy complicated, but if companies like IBM with SVC and HP with SVSP, can do something like this surely NetApp can do better.
NetApp had aquired a great company Topio awhile back, created replicator-X and then dumped the project. Surely NetApp must have got some technology from that aquasition to be able to achieve the ability to manage the virtualization layers. The last great break was moving from Traditional Volumes for Flexible Volumes (Virtual Layer), in this space.
Let me know your opinion or is this out there already and I've missed the bus?
P.S. don't comment on the spelling (maybe an addon for the community)