Apologies if this has been covered before. Does the Backup Component of vsc work with dataStores / VMs cut from vFilers?
The monitoring and Host Configuration component finds and dispays the storage (both iSCSI and NFS). But it doesn't appear inside the Backup and recovery component.
I can get it to work with dataStores / VMs cut from both NFS and iSCSI stroage presented from the base vfiler.
I am using vSphere vCenter 5 ( 5,0,0 build 455964) and the vsc version 2.1.1 Build 11242621.
I get lots of errors like this from the vsc cli command - smvi discover datastores
[ERROR] No storage system defined for target "iqn.1992-08.com.netapp:sn.1573910831:vf.e580ba7c-20c3-11e1-a83e-00a09814a7c2" used by datastore ds_iscsi_clone_1 (4edca78d-4bcad874-ebca-00215aaca842)
[ERROR] Failed to find NFS export path /vol/fv_vs5a_nfs/QT1 for datastore ds_nfs_file_clone on storage system NFS datastores must be exported from a Data ONTAP storage system.
[ERROR] Unable to manage datastore datastore-57: Failed to find NFS export path /vol/fv_vs5a_nfs/QT1 for datastore ds_nfs_file_clone on storage system NFS datastores must be exported from a Data ONTAP storage system.
The address is the correct address for the vFiler.
Many thanks
Paul A Sellek