VMware Solutions Discussions

Virtual Storage Console backup jobs failing (Solved)


We recentrly migrated from a physical vCenter to a the vCenter appliance.  during this process I discovered that our version of the VSC was on limited support (LS).  Everything seemed okay, however after several weeks the job on one datastore started to fail.  I opened a case only to discover that VSC 6.2.2 is now on EOS.  The job was getting stuck at 41% or 44%.  There was the following error repeated for several operations:

<messages><timestamp>2019-04-11T03:47:37.119-07:00</timestamp><level>ERROR</level><thread>backup2 acc5cea68a94b1878df193ed57528ba3</thread><location>com.netapp.common.flow.TaskInstanceTemplate</location><msgKeyClass>com.netapp.common.flow.MsgKey</msgKeyClass><msgKeyValue>FLOW_OPERATION_TASK_FAILURE</msgKeyValue><parameters><parameter>VmSnapshotCreateDelay</parameter><parameter>Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.</parameter></parameters><message>FLOW-11019: Failure in VmSnapshotCreateDelay: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password.</message></messages>


I wanted to post my solution here to aid others if possible.  Unfortuantely we are not in position to refresh hardware/ontap regularly so that contributes to the problem.


FAS 2240 / Ontap 8.2.3 7-mode / VSC 6.2.2 / vCenter 6.5 update 2


Solution:  I moved to a datastore that wasn't being backed up  and only protected by SnapMirorr for DR
