Due to a number of vSphere 5.1 “incompatibility” issues in Monitoring and Host Configuration, Provisioning and Cloning, and Backup and Recovery, VSC 4.0 will not support vSphere 5.1. These issues – see BURTs identified below for details - require code fixes, and since VSC 4.0 will be pulled from the Support download site once VSC 4.1 is available (due to a potential data corruption issue if the defaults are not used; BURT http://burtweb-prd.eng.netapp.com/burt/burt-bin/start?burt-id=629749&btn=edit), the decision was made not to back-port these vSphere fixes to VSC 4.0.
vSphere 5.1 BURTs:
· Burt:616819
· Burt:618062
· Burt:591251
The plan is to support vSphere 5.1 with VSC 4.1, targeted for an mid-late October 2012 availability.