It would be best if you opened a technical case with NetApp to troubleshoot and diagnose the issue. The following info would be very valuable: 1. A few AutoSupport log files from the time period where you had failures: /etc/log/mlog/notifyd.log.<x> 2. Generate a user-triggered AutoSupport and manually upload it to NetApp. See: (It would contain relevant info, such as networking configuration (interfaces, routes, DNS), AutoSupport configuration/history/status and latest snippets of EMS and notifyd log files)
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Customer-facing environmental info for platforms and shelves is available in the Site Requirements Guide on the NetApp Support Site.
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Mohamed, You'll probably get more feedback from the Data ONTAP forum. Do you have System Manager 2.2? Consider: Comprehensive information can be found in your Data ONTAP release's Online Backup and Recovery Guide E.g. for 8.1.3 7-Mode: Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide
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Assuming you're running 8.1+ Data ONTAP, you can check to see if the ASUP was successfully with the "autosupport history show -instance" command. This will at least tell you if the first leg of the transmission worked. If it did, you should proceed with the My AutoSupport ticket. If it didn't, then you can open a technical case with NetApp Support to help you diagnose the transmission failure. For more info, read this AutoSupport troubleshooting workflow KB:
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Hi Martin, This is somewhat ironic... if you are running Data ONTAP 8.1 or later, you can specify a non-standard port, already! However, it is not checked for "correctness", so you need to be careful with the syntax. Basically, you can append the mailhost name or address with ":<port#>". cDOT: system node autosupport modify -mail-hosts 7-Mode: options autosupport.mailhost The burt I logged will drive improved input checking and documentation for this. Let me know how it works for you... -Andris
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What version of Data ONTAP is this request concerning? In Data ONTAP 8.1.x, snapmirror.conf is actually collected as the file "sm_conf.txt" in the snapmirror sub-system. Again, sub-systems are not always collected in a given ASUP message. For the "snapmirror" system, it's collected in callhome.invoke (doit "test"), callhome.invoke.all (doit) or callhome.weekly (WEEKLY_LOG).
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@Patrick: The missing licenses view is a known issue with My AutoSupport. It should be addressed soon. vijayang: It looks like you are referring to a Data ONTAP 8.1 system. Yes, that is the correct file to look at (in raw form or with a XML viewer). To "decode" it, look at each record: - the "service" attribute defines the license name (cifs, cf, a_sis) - the "is-licensed" attribute defines whether it is enabled on your system.
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What version of Data ONTAP are you running on the system? Starting with DOT 8.1, AutoSupport content is context-sensitive. The rc.txt file is not always included with every AutoSupport. Also, size and time budgets were introduced. There was a known issue with the leak-data file being too large, causing the collection of the rc file to be skipped. It was fixed in 8.1.3 and later releases. If it sounds like you might be in this situation, you can verify what was supposed to be collected and its collection status by examining the manifest.xml file that is also included with the AutoSupport message.
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Yes, those sources would work. If you need a nice presentation to show the customer, look for "Windows File Services in Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2-Customer Presentation" on the NetApp Field Portal.
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There were some issues with that system risk being correctly detected. I believe it's fixed, and should be correct by Sunday. Please check again on Monday.
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You didn't mention if you're running in 7-Mode or clustered Data ONTAP mode. SMB 3.0 support is only available in clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.
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Like the NetApp Support destination, the e-mail destinations specified in the option will receive all AutoSupports NetApp Support does (i.e. essentially unfiltered). The "autosupport trigger" command only configures which events are sent to the ".to" and ".noteto" destinations.
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Hi Martin, That configuration option does not exist. It's assumed that customer systems will be pointing to an SMTP relay on their internal network - where concerns over spam (the main reason for blocking 25) are minimal. Have you or customers opened any technical cases concerning this issue? If so, please supply them. If you believe this to be an important enhancement, ask your NetApp sale representative to submit the enhancement request.
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You may have already seen it, but 8.2RC1 is available as an ONTAP Simulator.
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Hi Steve, You'd be looking for this HBA for your FAS2050's: 2p 3Gb SAS, PCIe X2062A-R6 You'll need MiniSAS-QSFP cables for controller to shelf connections. Part No Begin End Length Description X6543A-R6 miniSAS QSFP 2m Cable,miniSAS Cntlr-Shelf,2m X6544A-R6 miniSAS QSFP 5m Cable,miniSAS Cntlr-Shelf,5m The Hardware Universe is a handy place to look all this up. I'd upgrade your systems to 7.3.7P2 for the best stability and performance.
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Well, if you're running 8.0 or 8.1 Data ONTAP, you can temporarily disable the ASUP message for USER_TRIGGERED to your .to and .noteto recipients. Invoke your fake USER_TRIGGERED (WEEKLY_LOG). Then reinstate your .to and .noteto destinations. For 8.0 instructions, see KB: 1913810 In 8.1, use the "autosupport trigger modify" command for the "invoke.all" event.
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I am not seeing any problems with My AutoSupport - this is as an employee from a VPN connection, at least. Definitely follow the instructions here to open a support ticket: Regards, -Andris
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