I'm stating "fixed" based on test results logged in the bug record after the fix was coded. The NetApp-internal bug database does not state that it was fixed in 8.1RC2D6. I don't know why this was declared a "fixed" release for that bug. 8.1RC3 is a "fixed" release.
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Note: Per the KB, you can't have a "-" in the VIF name. Is it a "public" subnet in the Internet sense? Or public to the rest of your company? Hard to design in a forum, but if you have a VLAN-capable GbE switching infrastructure, there's no reason you can't put 3 VLAN's on the VIF: Public, NFS, iSCSI. Your default route entry would point out the Public subnet, allowing the filer to reach big "I" and other subnets for AutoSupport, DNS, NTP, SNMP, etc. You might want to try CLI if System Manager doesn't let you do this, for some reason. BTW, I noticed you're running 7.3.5P1 - You should move off this release (7.3.6 would be ideal) as soon as possible. Details: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/products/csb/csb1106-03.shtml
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BTW, it's possible that HTTPS transport to NetApp didn't work because of "" in this option: autosupport.support.proxy "" (value might be overwritten in takeover) Are you by any chance using System Manager 2.0R1? Using it may have erroneously added that "", which Data ONTAP tries to (unsuccessfully) resolve. See Bug 549287. http://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=549287 Generally, HTTP/S to NetApp is preferred since you have a more reliable and secure network path (compared with SMTP) and less restrictions on message size.
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Yes, Bug 549239 was fixed in 8.1RC3. Are you familiar with the Bug Comparison Tool on the support site? It's a handy way to see what is fixed between two Data ONTAP releases. http://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/relcmp.on?rrel=8.1RC3&rels=8.1RC2&what=fix¬first=+Go!
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DNS: It makes things more administratively manual, when resolving any hostnames. I suppose you can always hardcode name/IP mappings in hosts files on all of your components in your environment (filer, hosts). E.g. You might need to do that if you send to support.netapp.com via HTTPS. BMC: The BMC does not pass any form of TCP/IP traffic to the filer from your client (System Manager, telnet, SSH). Your client would need to directly reach the filer's IP addresses for management. Neither does it provide an outgoing path for AutoSupport message from the storage system. It can provide a pass-through for the serial console, though. The BMC can also independently send its own AutoSupport messages for "filer down" problems via SMTP (it inherits the AutoSupport configuration options from its host filer). Subnets: If you're specifying /16 for the subnet, you can't really say that you're carving up .1 and .2 subnets inside this /16 space. With your proposed setup, both NFS and iSCSI will be able to talk to the filer, but you would need to connect everything in the same L2 Ethernet domain and configure all hosts with the /16 subnet mask. This also means you don't have L2 separation between NFS and iSCSI. VLAN's would be your solution for sharing the VIF's - are you sure you can't configure them on VIF's? See: https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id=1010910
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Florian, AutoSupport in 8.1 has been significantly overhauled. From the release notes: https://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/ontap/rel81rc3/html/ontap/rnote/GUID-7089A00E-38D4-40D7-A397-AE70D253A5F3.html Excellent and updated information on AutoSupport is available in the System Administration Guide for 8.1. https://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/ontap/rel81rc3/pdfs/ontap/sysadmin.pdf One of the improvements is related to smoothing out the WEEKLY_LOG AutoSupport traffic at both customer sites and back at NetApp, as well as to solve problems with very large AutoSupport messages. To help with these issues: 1. Log files are separated from the WEEKLY LOG and sent daily, i.e. 7 chunks instead of 1 big weekly chunk 2. Performance data is now sent daily (PERFORMANCE DATA), i.e. 7 chunks instead of 1 big weekly chunk 3. Event-based AutoSupport messages send context-sensitive information I hope that helps clarify matters.
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It is most likely a product registration issue with the 3 missing systems - the partner info is not matching these systems, probably. I would click on the "Feedback" link on the support site, pick "data issues", explain the problem, provide all of your details and partner details.
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Ricardo, Can you be more explicit about what RFC's and AUTH methods you are asking for? I assume you're referring to ESMTP AUTH? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_SMTP E.g. Compliance with RFC 4954? http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4954 As much details about the requirement you can provide would be appreciated.
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Can you clarify what a "traceable User ID" implications are from an SMTP perspective? Alternatively, would switching to using HTTPS transport to NetApp be acceptable?
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Can you download the entire AutoSupport from My AutoSupport? No. If you have access to the system, you can grab the last 40-50 AutoSupport collections (depending on DOT version) from /etc/log/autosupport. In 8.1, you have CLI that lets you specify any of those cached AutoSupport messages and retransmit them to arbitrary SMTP and HTTP destinations. If you feel there's a specific reason why this should be available from My AutoSupport, please elaborate.
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The Flash Cache report is, as stated, simply reporting enabled capacity. It is not (currently) showing operational efficiency of the Flash Cache component. This report is not really useful when run against a system. It's more interesting when looking at your entire NetApp infrastructure across a site or company. Here's an example of the report from a company with a large storage footprint of NetApp systems.
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The "about" link takes you (eventually) to this page. It has short explanations for the reports. https://communities.netapp.com/community/products_and_solutions/efficient_it/my_autosupport_and_autosupport/blog/2011/08/20/my-autosupport-launches-storage-efficiency-20-beta Do you have specific questions that we might be able to address?
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If possible, examine EMS event logs and messages files for any problems with the storage controller's collection and transmission of the Performance Data AutoSupport message. If there are problems, open a technical case with NetApp Support and be ready to provide the info from the logs, as well as the notifyd.log file (for 8.0 systems) in the /etc/log/mlog (7-Mode) or /mroot/etc/log/mlog (Cluster-Mode) directory. If there's nothing amiss at the storage controller end, then file a support site ticket about My AutoSupport missing performance data for your specific systems at http://now.netapp.com/willows/pri/feedback.do -Andris
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I’m glad to hear that you found the config error… BTW, please consider plugging in your wrench port. It gives you access to e0M to directly manage the system and allows you to leverage all of the remote management and remote support capabilities of the Service Processor. -Andris
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The "watchdog reset" is a failsafe measure to reset a system in the event that some part of a running system stops responding. This is done to avoid a complete deadlock and an unresponsive system that would otherwise have to be reset manually. The unresponsive component could be either a software task that fails to yield or a hardware component that is not responding quickly enough. RLM-based systems with RLM firmware version 4.0 or SP-based systems with SP firmware 1.2.3 or later can provide more information as to which component triggered a watchdog reset (WDR). Additionally, Data ONTAP version or Data ONTAP version 8.0.2P3 or later can provide additional information in the unlikely event that a system encounters a WDR event. For help with troubleshooting watchdog resets, please open a case with NetApp Global Support.
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Do you recall what was the last action made with the S300? It would be good to connect to the console port and check for relevant messages. If you had issued halt and bye to halt the S300, you may need to power cycle the unit. See: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/cgi-bin/bol?Type=Detail&Display=330894
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The traps are documented in the NetApp MIB file. You can find them all here: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/download/tools/mib/ Each trap has a DESCRIPTION field that usually provides good information concerning the trap.
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For customers and partners, the NetApp Support site has a great resource page on AutoSupport. http://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/olio/autosupport/ -Andris
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Thanks for the system ID's for looking up. This doesn't appear to be related to My AutoSupport - there appear to be problems with the systems being able to send typical content-rich AutoSupports via the customer's SMTP servers. This is somewhat supported by the fact that the simple "noteto" e-mails are getting through without problems. It's likely to be an incompatibility with the customer's anti-spam/anti-malware/anti-virus scanning functionality in place for e-mail. I'd open a support case for further technical assistance. -Andris
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If you do have a brand-new FAS32xx and need to revert it to 7.3.5, this KB article is useful: https://kb.netapp.com/support/index?page=content&id=1012604 NOTE: This procedure is intended ONLY for a newly installed system that is not yet in production and contains no data. It is NOT intended for existing systems that are in production. -Andris
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