Yes... this is due to Bug 1372079 - SES not translating shelf PSU input power correctly. It will be addressed in a future release of IOM12 and IOM12E firmware.
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Reboot the BMCs on both nodes in the chassis. Then update them to BMC 11.6. The sensor reading failures can indicate issues with IPMI communication or BMC unhealthiness. Create a case with Tech Support, ideally.
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Do you have CN1601 management switches, by any chance? In any case, I would check what the switch health monitor is actively monitoring with the "system cluster-switch show" command. If you are monitoring management switches and you see unneeded alerts for them with "system health-alert show", it might be simpler/easier to just stop monitoring the management switches. This KB has information on the commands you can use to delete a switch you no longer wish to monitor:
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These KB articles might be useful:
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A few more details? ONTAP version (and mode)? How is the PowerChute shutting down the controllers, exactly? If you have SSH access to the SP of each controller, you can run "system power on" commands from there.
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One obvious reason (but uncommon) reason might be that performance data AutoSupport transmission has been disabled. system node autosupport modify | show [-perf {true|false}] - Performance Data Enable Use this parameter to specify whether performance data is sent to technical support and addresses specified in the -partner-address parameter. The default is true.
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HWU info: X1143A-R6 (111-00910) (2p 16Gb|10Gb UTA2 Cu|Op) (Block Access,Networking,Storage,Tape) That is a CNA/UTA2 card... In any case, NetApp doesn't supply separate firmware packages for NIC/HBA cards. They are bundled with ONTAP, instead. Upgrade to a recent ONTAP version to get the latest supported firmware for a NIC/HBA.
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Not from a NetApp source... Perhaps a kind soul has an older DQP v3 file that they can send to you via direct message or e-mail. It would have an entry for ST1000NM0011SS.
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It is very likely that the current DQP on the NetApp Support Site has already purged the very old (EOS) drives. You would almost need to find an "old" DQP drive from 3-4 years ago help with that specific drive string (you can see if the file includes an entry for it, now). Your best bet would be get the node to 7.3.7Px. You're not even in a supported configuration with the HA nodes being on completely different ONTAP versions.
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You might want to get official guidance via a technical case. That said, this message is informative -- "no usable root volume found". You probably need to have one NSE spare disk that isn't locked to create a 1-disk temporary root on it -- before you attempt the "revert_original" command.
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The FAS8040 -> FAS8700 combination is supported for simplified controller hardware upgrade. Using “system controller replace” Commands to Upgrade Controller Hardware Running ONTAP 9.5 to ONTAP 9.7 Part No. 215-13625_A0_UR006 Provides information to nondisruptively upgrade controller hardware running ONTAP 9.5 to ONTAP 9.7 using “system controller replace” commands, providing a simplified semi-automatic workflow that leverages aggregate relocation. HTML PDF EPUB Suggestions: Upgrade to 9.7P13 for the operation, above Check the DS224(?) storage -- if drive age is 4+ years or the drive EOS dates are < 3 years away, reusing the storage is not recommended. You'll need 10GbE ports available on the FAS8700 for temporary cluster connections, if this is a two-node switchless cluster
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I can confirm that jemalloc is a new required package for AIQ Unified Manager 9.9 - it's being used for MySQL. Have you installed MySQL 8.0.21, specifically? This is in the "Must Read" section of the download page: MySQL Community Edition support: Active IQ Unified Manager requires MySQL Community Edition 8.0.21 on Windows and Linux systems. If the installed version of MySQL on your system is earlier than 8.0.21, the Unified Manager 9.9 upgrade process automatically upgrades MySQL to 8.0.21. Important: The installer of Unified Manger has been restricted to support only up to MySQL Community Edition 8.0.21, due to an interoperability issue. You must not upgrade MySQL to a release greater than 8.0.21. When a fix for this issue becomes available from MySQL, a new Unified Manager release will be provided.
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I can't explain the qtree output difference, other than a possible scope difference (all vservers v.s. one vserver for example). I found the explanation for the aggregate count difference... the ONTAP REST API doesn't include root aggregates. Ref: DOC /storage/aggregates Retrieving storage aggregate information The Storage Aggregate GET API retrieves all data aggregates in the cluster. System owned root aggregates are not included in the output. This API also supports specific queries, in addition to queries on aggregate body properties, which affect the output of the API. The parameters for these queries are “recommend” and "show_spares". Using the “recommend” query returns the list of aggregates that are recommended for creation in the cluster. The “show_spares” query returns a response outside of the records body, which includes the groups of usable spares in the cluster.
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I would re-post your question and info in the ONTAP discussion area.
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Connecting the 1st external shelf to the controller has the same constraints. The internal storage in the controller use the 2 x SAS cable as a redundant path - each node also has an internal path to every disk in its chassis.
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At this point, I'd just update to SP 5.9. The big benefit of SP 5.9 (beside some good fixes) is that the internal Ethernet switch configuration is updated automatically.
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Unfortunately, Data ONTAP 7.3.x passed end of version support in 2016 and the FAS2020 passed end of support in mid-2017. The 7.3.7 software is not available from any source at NetApp. If you do obtain the software from a kind soul and plan to wipe the system, make sure you document/record the software licenses on the nodes, since you will have to re-install them.
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Assuming you do not have AFF A320, AFF A250 or FAS500f in the cluster (nodes that use shared HA/cluster Ethernet ports), stick with RCF 1.1 files or RCF 1.6 files. Avoid RCF 1.3/1.4 versions since they change the native VLAN from 1 -> 92 and can create problems during cluster switch refresh. Ref:
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I'd file a support ticket... For questions associated with Active IQ OneCollect, open a ticket from the OneCollect Tool by clicking on Help-> Report a Problem. This page is used to manually upload ONTAP and E-Series AutoSupport messages. However, I'm not sure it supports upload of OneCollect data collection files.
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